Chapter 28

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A Fan Translation

CHAPTER 28 - New Job (Gone)

For half an hour Principal Zhang's status was “typing," but she didn't reply. How indecisive was she? Typing, deleting, then typing again for so long?

"Having a test after only two classes really seems a bit..." Ning Tiance's tone was somewhat constrained.

"When I was a child, I hated tests," I recalled, "but I have to admit that only by undergoing tests did I get a firm grasp on the knowledge. If you want to learn, relying on interest isn't enough. Our students are of a different nature. They are all special students who need contact with society. They have problems with their common sense. Next class, I’m planning on giving them an exploratory quiz to test everyone's social common sense and legal common sense levels, then focus my teaching. "

Ning Tiance picked up the cup of water that I'd put down on the coffee table and took a sip, then slowly said, "Please be sure to ask me to come with you to your next class. I want to see the students' answers."

From his voice he seemed to be smiling, even trying not to laugh. I turned to look at him, but Xiao Ning's expression was serious. He didn't seem about to smile at all.

I must have heard wrong.

I waited for a long time without receiving a response from Principal Zhang. I saw another unread message on WeChat, so I switched the interface. Xia Jin had sent it.

Xia Jin: Shen Jianguo, you're fired. Although you are still in your internship period, the company is discharging you without cause, so according to regulations you will receive a month's salary as compensation. You received no commission this month, so there will only be the base salary of 800 yuan. I’ll transfer it to you, remember to accept it. There is no need to come to work tomorrow.

It was as if I'd been struck by lightning. I stared at my phone without speaking for a long time.


I immediately called Xia Jin. It rang for a long time before he picked up. He shouted into the phone, "Shen Jianguo, do you know that it's one in the damn morning! Some of us have work tomorrow!"

Another voice came from the speaker. It was Xia Jin's girlfriend. "Xia Jin, it's the middle of the night, what are you shouting for! Get into the bathroom to take your call!"

Then I heard the rustling sounds of someone rolling out of bed. After a while, I heard Xia Jin roar in a lowered voice, "What do you want at this hour?"

Look, here was my good brother Xia Jin. Even though he didn't dare to shout under his girlfriend’s despotic rule, he still had to roar quietly to be imposing.

I... was anxious. I'd lost my job. I'd forgotten what time it was.

But I'd already called and woken Xia Jin up. It was better to just get right down to it. "Why did I lose my job? I went to the police bureau today to help with an investigation. I told the company. You aren't firing me because I took a day off? That's unreasonable..."

"You've only been at work for a week and you've already gotten our marketing director arrested," Xia Jin said in a low voice.

"But isn't it the duty of any normal member of society to report it when he discovers that someone may have committed a crime?" I argued with justice on my side.

"And if you discover one day that our boss has been evading taxes, are you going to report that, too?" Xia Jin asked.

"I'd have to report it!” I nodded repeatedly. "Taxes are the most important form and source of income for our nation's public finances. Our lives, property, and safety can only be guaranteed through taxes. Every citizen has the duty to pay taxes. With sufficient taxes, the nation can invest more money in public construction and national defense. Only in this way will our country become stronger and our citizens be able to live in peace and enjoy their work, and the money everyone earns truly go into their own pockets. Otherwise, you could be robbed walking down the street. However much money you make, what's the use?"

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