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The next day Tzuyu woke up alone in the dorm with Butter, Kaya and Ari and strangely she was not greeted by Butter jumping around and Kaya shyly greeting her at the gate rather it was Ari who was snuggled by her side.

Tzuyu chuckled seeing the small white fur ball right by her side. "Your mom would be mad seeing you cuddling around here." Tzuyu said stroking the little animal which seemed to wake her up. "Did I wake you up? Let's get you some food" and with that they woke up from bed. Tzuyu immediately got up from bed brushed her teeth, took a shower, and poured some dog food for the three canines in the house.

Thinking about what to do today, she suddenly remembered that there was a dog shelter that was nearby so volunteering there would be a nice idea. Wearing a padded jacket over her jeans and top she checked herself in the mirror one more time making sure the marks from last night were well covered. Wearing a mask and bucket she left for the shelter.

"Ah, Tzuyu-ssi it's nice to meet you, it's been in a while last time you came with Jeongyeon-ssi. How are you all?" The receptionist asked as she gave Tzuyu a blue plastic overcoat.

"Ah. We are all doing well, the schedules have been a lot more hectic recently." After having a small unwanted conversation Tzuyu went inside the room assigned and on the way she bumped into someone.

"Oh, I am sorry I wasn't looking" Tzuyu apologized to the person who muttered a sorry as well. "Wait, aren't you Twice Tzuyu-ssi?" the other person asked skeptically, being recognized, and having it in tomorrow's newspaper headlines was definitely part of her plan. "Ah, yes I am" the other person just laughed at her tone before removing her mask as well. "Well, Hi, I am Elkie from CLC" Tzuyu recognized her, because she once greeted them all as a group.

"It's a coincidence to meet you here. You are here alone?" Elkie spoke quietly making sure not to alert everyone around them. "Yes actually, today was our day off and other members decided to go hang out. So, here I am. How about you sunbaenim" Tzuyu asked formally. Elkie laughed and shook her hand. "No need to be all formal, just call me Elkie."

The conversation flowed smoothly between the two and unconsciously Tzuyu's overcoat's sleeve shifted a little and her forearm caught her attention. "How did it happen?" Elkie pointed at the cuts on her hand. Tzuyu quickly covered it back before replying "N-nothing I accidentally scratched my hand." Tzuyu knew Elkie didn't believe that but was grateful when she didn't press the topic further.

After around two hours they were both done with today's volunteering. To say that Tzuyu didn't have fun was a lie even if it was for a moment, she was happy, but it was too early to end the day so they both went to a café nearby. "Thanks, Elkie I had fun today." Tzuyu spoke sipping her coffee. "I had a question, do you usually go out alone?" Elkie knew what was happening being from a foreign country herself she knew what Tzuyu was going through. "Yes, actually I don't have any friends in Korea apart from my members. We all hang out together but today they were kind of busy, that's why I am here alone." Elkie didn't believe it but just nodded.

"-and Seungyeon-unnie deadass fell from the chair" before Elkie could continue her story she received a phone call and when she picked it up Tzuyu saw her face brighten up and before she talked with someone and hung up and looked at her straight in the eyes before speaking. "You said you don't have friends, right?" Tzuyu only nodded at the obvious question. "Then let's get you some friends." Before even giving her time, Elkie just dragged Tzuyu out café after paying the bills and leaving some tips.

Tzuyu tried to know where she was being taken but Elkie refused to give any information, but when the taxi stopped she noticed where they were in front of a restaurant that was isolated from the main street, but wait didn't they just had coffee, just as she was about to inquire she was dragged again and this time to her surprise she found herself sitting on the table along with three other women who were just as shocked as she was before they got up and bowed proper ninety-degree before introducing themselves. They were G-idle's Shuhua, Dreamcatcher's Handong, and Gugudan's Sally.

"Sunbaenim we would have gone to a much better place if someone told us you were coming" Handong glared at Elkie who was busy ordering. Tzuyu felt like she was an unwanted guest there and was disturbing something. Feeling like she was being a burden she tried to leave but Elkie just held her hand and smiled softly at her before shaking her hand gesturing her to stay. Elkie then told the other three about Tzuyu's condition and in all honesty, Tzuyu expected them to look at her with ridicule but instead, all of them understood her much better compared to her own members and gave her a warm hug and for someone who isn't a fan of skinship she found their embrace warm and comforting, something she has not felt in years.

Tzuyu was never the talkative type but she found herself laughing at Shuhua and Sally's never-ending bickering and how Handong was hyping them up while Elkie was too embarrassed to even try to stop the trio. Tzuyu felt a sense of familiarity amongst the three.

"Okay now that we are done with the food, where should we go?" Shuhua questioned all of them. "Are you not tired after stuffing yourself with food, and don't put your arm around Tzuyu's shoulder, her poor self has to fold her knees to reach your height." Sally teased before running from Shuhua who ran after her. Tzuyu just looked at both of them and the first thought she had was 'is this how it feels to be happy?' she was in her own thoughts when she felt someone intertwining their hands, she looked to see Elkie holding her hand and Handong petting her head, suddenly she cried in the middle of the empty street. Shuhua and Sally looked at her with concerning faces before giving her a comforting smile.

She wiped her tears and pointed at the poster at the side of the footpath that was an open invitation to an art exhibition nearby. All of them shared a look amongst themselves before agreeing unanimously knowing Tzuyu was opening up to them, to be honest Elkie told the other three about the cuts on her skin no matter how much the latter denies none of them were dumb to not know how sad she looked when they talked about their close bond with their members.

They reached the art exhibition but it was not as they expected it to be.

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