She changed

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The first week without Tzuyu was somewhat different. The practice to some extent felt weird. No one really talked about it.

The second week was straight-up dark. They all went around randomly calling her name, They were so used to her presence that they were wounded after not having her.

The third week was, when they finally realized the gravity of the situation. It took them three weeks to realize that Twice needs Chou Tzuyu, the unnies need their maknae.

They need Tzuyu back. No one knows where she is. They tried contacting the hospital to find out that she had already been discharged, They went to her friends but they just gave them cold shoulder. They have five months to win Tzuyu back otherwise their friendship would be no more.

After all the effort that went in vain, they were getting disheartened, Maybe it is too late.

But one day, right after their practice when they reached home they were quite scared to see the lights on. After keeping police on speed dial one of them opened the door terrified, but nothing prepared them for what they saw.

Tzuyu was sitting at the dining table eating her food with Kaya and Butter tailing behind her.

Tzuyu was back.

Chou Tzuyu was back.

Their Chewy was back.

But something about her was off. Maybe it was the way she sat, Maybe it was the way she styled herself. Maybe it was her aura.

Apparently Dahyun couldn't realize that and rushed toward the younger girl.

"Tzuyu, you are back"

She ran and embraced the younger girl, only to be met by a harsh push.

"Do not touch me"

She said with so much coldness they all shivered. This was the first time they heard her talk like that. They searched for the softness but found nothing. They searched for sadness. Still found nothing. They searched for longing. But again, they were met with nothing but a boring stare. It was like Tzuyu didn't recognize them. Like she didn't know who they were. This was worse than Tzuyu gazing at them with pure resentment. Tzuyu gazed at them like they meant nothing. No emotions. No value. Nothing. And that hurt them more than anything.

While the girl who was shoved, stood in the corner crying silently. On the other hand Tzuyu lifted her chin up to just stare straight ahead as she walked past Dahyun towards her room Dahyun chocked back a sob as Tzuyu nonchalantly walked past her as if nothing happened to leave the pale girl crying alone in the middle of the room.

But before she could enter her room she felt someone hold her wrist, she turned back to see it was Jihyo, The same person she held immense respect for, but looking at her now all she feels is disgust.

With a visibly sickened face, she jerked her hand away from Jihyo's grip almost sending the smaller one tripping forwards and quietly making her way towards her room.

The moment she entered all of them looked at each other. Whatever they expected, it was not this. The Tzuyu they used to know was someone who could melt a person's heart simply by looking at them and this Tzuyu looked like she can kill someone with her eyes.

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