You and your mom have been hiding for just over a week now and you are both wanted for arson and attempted murder. No one knows what you look like though, Takumi always kept his personal life private.

After the ninth day away from Takumi we ended up running into a small forest that surrounded a town, so we decided to rest there for a while and get some food from a mini cafe I'd seen on the way there.
We turned back into people and sat down.

"We need fake identities for quite a few reasons, don't we?" I said turning to my mother. "Yeah you're right there. But what should our new names be?" She asked. Biting her lip which meant she was deep in thought.
"I can come up with them if you want mom." I offered.
"Okay then." She said, and stretched her legs.

"I think I've got it!" I said suddenly, making my mom jump.
"Our new names can be Adelaide and Kyoki Satinisa!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah they sound great honey but can you try not to yell without warning please?" She said, seemingly still recovering from my outburst.
"Oh, right, sorry." I said to her.
"It's okay. Anyway, those names are great." she answered, rubbing her ear. "Let's go and eat then shall we?" She added standing up
"Okay, let's go!" I said.

Then we left to go to the cafe.

After we left the cafe after getting a couple things we heard sirens blaring.
Then the sirens stopped and we heard doors opening and closing and the officers talking about going around the town to ask people if they had seen my mother and I and if they had seen us around.

"SHIT! this isn't good." I hissed as a police officer started to walk towards us.
"Calm down!" Mom said trying to calm me down. "I think it's time to use those acting classes I've been giving you the past few years to your advantage." She added,
"But mom-" I started to say but mom shushed me.
"Remember, your name is Kyoki Satinisa." Mom said turning around so we weren't looking at the officer as he came towards us.

The cop cleared his throat as he reached us making us turn around to face him.
"Yes officer is there something you need?" Mom asked him.
"I just wanted to ask you a few questions." The policeman replied.
"Okay then, fire away!" Mom said cheerfully.
"Very well," he said
"I'm sorry I really don't mean to be rude, but can possibly make this quick? Me and my daughter need to be at a wedding in the next..."
Mom looked at her watch. "Twenty minutes or so." She explained.
"Yes of course it will only take ten minutes tops. I just wanted to ask you if you've seen anyone named Hinoka and Arini Suzuko?" He answered.
"Hinoka and Arini Suzuko, hm." Mom said tapping her chin with her fingers.
"Oh!" "Kyoki didn't you have a friend whose name was Hinoka?" She asked, looking at me.
"Yeah I did." I said to her.
"Ah yes, I remember now." Mom said smiling. "Hinoka and Arini. Those two were great weren't they?" She said.
"Yep." "I miss them." I said looking down.
"I know sweetheart but there's nothing we can do now." Mom smiled sadly hugging me.
"Um, is it possible that you're still in contact with them both?" The policeman asked.
"No sadly not. About a week ago Arini called me and told me that her and her daughter were going to leave because she said that her husband was treating her and Hinoka terribly." Mom explained.
"Terribly? How so?" He asked.
"She didn't really give us any details she only said that Takumi, her husband had been treating them like shit ever since Hinoka got her quirk when she was six." Mom said.
"Interesting, one last thing."
"What are your names?" He asked.
"My name is Adelaide Satinisa," mom told him.
"And I'm Kyoki Satinisa." I added.
"Okay." He said writing something down on a clipboard. "And thank you, that will be all. He finished smiling and walking off.

"I wonder what his quirk is?" I thought as he did so.
"Mind reading." He said even though his mouth never moved to form the words.
"What the-" I thought. "Oh shoot. If his quirk is mind reading... Does that mean he knows that I have an entire list of the characters I simp for at home?!" I thought starting to panic a little.

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone." He said.
I looked up and saw the cop turn around smiling. with a finger to his lips and he winked at me.

Love Burns {Work In Progress}Where stories live. Discover now