I walked to the park that was close to the cave and sat down one of the swings with my head in my hands, as tears of rage and annoyance fell down my cheeks onto the wooden chips that rested below the equipment.

"Does she just not trust my judgement?" I thought to myself. "I know that time teller is right. Why doesn't she just listen?" "I've saved her life so many godamn times thanks to this, 'Damn quirk' of mine. The fact that she still doesn't trust it is so annoying!" I muttered to myself.

"Hey!" I heard someone yell. I looked up and saw a group of boys around my age or maybe younger.
"What?" I said coldly, Drying my tears as I stood, so they wouldn't see them, looking at them I crossed my arms.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing here at night?" One of the boys said coming up to me putting his arm around my shoulders.
I shuddered at his touch and pushed his arm off of me.
"Don't fucking call me pretty." I said glaring at them all.
"I'm simply speaking the truth beautiful." The guy said. "Now I suggest that you get out of here before I force you." He added.
"And why should I?" I asked mockingly.
"Because, after dark, this is our turf." The guy said gesturing to the rest of his group.
"Does it look like I care?" I said crossing my arms.
"Oh we've got a mouthy one here boys." The guy called to his mates.
"Ooooooooo" his friends replied.
"What are you, Owls?" I said rolling my eyes.

"What's with your attitude? You do know it's 12 against 1 right?" "You don't stand a chance girlie." He answered, laughing.

"What's your quirk?" I asked suddenly.
"It doesn't matter. It's stronger than whatever you've got anyway." He smirked.
"Really?" I said closing my eyes and getting a vision.

Hinoka can't use time teller on command but she can sense when she's going to get a vision. It was just a lucky coincidence that she got one at the perfect time.

"What are your eyes closed for?" The boy asked. I opened them and looked straight at him.
"I was just using my quirk," I explained. "And it told me that in the next few minutes you and your friends here will all be very dead." I told them.
"So you can tell the future can you?" He said. "Well that's not going to help you is it?" He said laughing.
"Who said that was my only quirk?" I said, which made them take a step back.
"So you have more than one quirk. Well, whatever your other quirk is-"
"Quirks." I corrected him. Making him step back again.
"Well me and my dad are the Party Predators. So we could kill you if we wanted to." He said, clearly starting to panic a little.
"Oh! Funny that." I said. "Because I thought that the Party Predators consisted of a woman and her daughter?" I said tilting my head to the side.
"You're lying. No one knows their genders or relationship and he already said that him and his dad are the Party Predators." Someone else said. I smiled.
"Then I would love to hear how they plan out their attacks. I find things like this very interesting." I said.
"That's easy." The boy at the front said confidently.
"We just ask people when they are planning parties and go to them to kill everybody and burn the place down." He said confidently.
"Are you seriously that fucking stupid?" I laughed.
The boys all looked at each other in confusion as I smiled at them.
"Do you seriously think that villains as infamous as the Party Predators just go around asking people if they're throwing a party and then randomly showing up and killing everybody?"  "I hope you realise how fucking dumb that sounds. If they did that they would have been caught ages ago." You said

"How do you know so much about villains anyway?" He asked.

"Surely you have to at least know what colour the fire that burns the places is?" I said, dodging the question.

"Of course I do, its white. But why the hell do you need to know that?" The guy questioned.

"Well at least you know that. Your brain isn't completely dead I suppose." I said mockingly. Which earned me a glare. "Considering you know what the fire looks like, does this ring a bell?" I said lifting my hand, making the section of the park I was standing in light up with the bright white flame in my palm.

"You're one of them?!" one of the boys exclaimed.

"Perhaps." I replied simply. "Care to find out?" I asked.

"The group shook their heads as they all started to back away.

"Shame." I stated.

"Wait until the pros hear about this." Someone said as he started to run away with the group.

"Oh but they won't." you giggled menacingly. "My visions are never wrong" I smiled.

"Well this one definitely is" They yelled back.

"I don't think so." I said in a sing- song voice sending a plume of fire towards them all, they all screamed but were quickly silenced by the roar of the flames.

"Idiots." I muttered under my breath. I looked back at the burning bodies and noticed someone who had just missed the attack get up.

"where do you think you're going?" I called out to him.

"I'm getting the pros!" he yelled in a tone that reminded me of a child telling on someone.

I lifted my arm to attack once more, but before I could I felt a sharp pain in my wrist which caused me to pull it to my chest in pain. I looked at my wrist and saw the deep blue of a scar starting to show on a fairly big burn I'd managed to get without realising.

I heard a scream and looked up to see a sea of blue flames surround the runner.

I looked to the source of the power and recognised the man from the alleyway as he started to walk towards me.

"Why did you do that?" I asked him suspiciously as he walked over to me, still holding my wrist, he shrugged.

"I heard you say you were one of the Party Predators, is that true?" he asked.

"Why should I trust you?" I said looking at him dead in the eyes.

"Because I'm part of the league of villains and we've been looking for you." He answered.

"Really? They've been looking for us to join?" I asked, more to myself than the mysterious male in front of me.

"Yes. and you and whoever you work with need to come with me." He explained.

"okay I'll take you to where my mom and I have been staying. And, what's your name?" I asked.


Love Burns {Work In Progress}Where stories live. Discover now