⚠️SPOILERS⚠️It's now been an entire month since you and your mom went 'missing'. It is now about 3 days since the hero killer Stain was caught in Hosu city. Both you and your mom have seen the video and are looking for the LOV so you can both join.

We had been missing for an entire month now and had gotten used to living as we had been.

In that month we had been getting bored so we had taken to listening out for when people were planning parties. And then we would go to the place where the events took place and burn the place down and take all the money we could find on the corpses persons.

Soon enough, when word got out about our attacks we became infamous villains that went by the name 'The Party Predators'.

In our typical attacks I usually would burn down the building. And then, while it was still burning, mom covered us in frost and we went inside and took all the money we could find in the corpses pockets, bags and purses that weren't all burnt. Then we made sure no one survived to tell tales to the cops. And then we ran away from the scene before the police caught wind of the situation.

"Hey mom?" I said as we ran away from our most recent attack.
"Hm?" She answered looking at me.
"When do you think we'll find this league of villains anyway?" I asked.
"I don't know." Mom replied.
"But even when we do find them, will they even let us join?" I asked.
"Hinoka, my child. We have become quite famous under the name party predators, there's no way that they're gonna turn us down. They need powerful people to ally with anyway." Mom explained.
"But what about their leader Shigaraki? I mean did you see him at that one attack at UA's USJ? He seemed sort of childish then didn't he?" I said.
"That is true." Mom said.
There was quiet for a little bit as we started to hear sirens in the distance until mom broke the silence,
"I guess we'll just have to wait and see then huh?" She said brightly.
"I guess so." I answered.

When we were far away enough, we stopped running just in front of a forest. We went through a thicket of trees and turned the corner into a glade and were met with a medium sized cave that was covered in moss with tiny pink and purple flowers that scattered over the roof and the plaited vines that hung round.

 We went through a thicket of trees and turned the corner into a glade and were met with a medium sized cave that was covered in moss with tiny pink and purple flowers that scattered over the roof and the plaited vines that hung round

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Love Burns {Work In Progress}Where stories live. Discover now