You took Dabi to the cave and asked him to wait outside as you went in to get your mother.

I walked inside and called out for mom to see where she was.

I looked around but I couldn't find her anywhere.
I went to her makeshift room, I pulled aside the vine curtain and walked towards her.
"Mom, I'm sorry for earlier. I just wish you'd have more faith in Time Teller." I explained to her. She looked at me and smiled slightly. "I'm sorry too." She said. She hugged me and after a short while I pulled away to tell her about Dabi. "He found me at the park and he's a part of the League." I told her. She nodded and followed me back out to meet Dabi.


"I'll take you both to the base and you can introduce yourselves to the others." He said in a monotone voice as he started to walk away, expecting us to follow him.

After about 25 minutes of walking it started to get dark and both mom and Dabi were pissed off about all the complaining I was doing.
"Would you just shut up Hinoka?" Mom snapped in annoyance. "But my feet hurt." I whined. "Walk on your hands for all I care just shut up." Dabi spoke. "Fine then." I pouted and didn't speak anymore.
"Finally." Mom said exhaling deeply. We continued to walk and eventually it was completely dark.

Dabi's pov

"We're here." I said turning around. "Where's the other one?" I asked as I realised the Hinoka girl wasn't behind her mom as she was before.
"Probably further down the track. I suspect that she's fallen asleep somewhere." The older woman said unphased.

She walked back down the path and came back with a fairly large wolf. "That's her?" I said
"Yes." She replied. I brushed it off and led them inside.

Hinoka's Pov

The run down bar Dabi led us into smelt of cigarette smoke and vinegar.

I looked around the room, my eyes adjusting to the darkness, after I was used to the light I saw there were 4 other people there. A girl with blonde hair in twin buns, a guy made of purple mist, someone with blue hair, a gray-scale Deadpool, a lizard gut, and Dabi.
"Took you long enough." The blue haired guy spoke in a grating voice. "Did you find them?" He asked.
"No I didn't." Dabi said, his tone dripping with sarcasm as he walked to the bar to get a drink.
The blue haired guy glared at him and turned to mom and myself. "You're the Party Predators correct?" He asked. Mom and I nodded after I shifted back to human form. "Right. My name is Shigaraki, this is Toga, Twice, Spinner, and Kurogiri." He pointed at each in turn as he introduced them. Judging from how this Shigaraki dude was standing and speaking, he seemed to be the leader.

The Toga girl who looked around 15 or 16 ran up to us and started talking rather fast about her quirk and various other things. The small amount of information I actually heard was about her being able to ingest peoples blood and turn into them. "That's enough Toga." Dabi said nonchalantly. She pouted and walked away. I silently thanked Dabi as Shigaraki continued to speak. I stifled a yawn and looked at the cracked clock on the wall seeing how late it was. Kurogiri noticed. "Shigaraki. They must be tired, you can tell them more about the league after we've all gotten some rest." He said. I nodded at him in thanks. We were shown to the spare room in the building to get some sleep for what was left of the night.


I rubbed my eyes as I woke up to yelling. "What the-" I looked around and saw that mom was already gone. I slowly regained my senses and was able to hear the argument clearer. After a short while. i picked up the general point of the argument which all together was pretty dumb. I rolled my eyes and lay back down in the stiff bed, but before long mom came into the room to see if I was up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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