Chapter 29: Izuku's Birthday.

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Summary: Izuku's Harem Celebrates his Birthday.

For Godslayer2468

A/N: May not be as Good. Covid has made me Exhausted. But I must write a Birthday chapter for Izuku and what better place then in this Harem Book?

No One P.O.V.

Izuku woke up, ready for another Morning Workout.

But someone pulled him back in.

Ochaco: NO! Not on your Birthday! We are going to make this Special!

Tsuyu: We are going to make this a Special Day for you. Ribbit.

Izuku: Where's Everyone Else?

Ochaco: Getting Prepared. Like I said. This will be a Day you will Never Forget!

Izuku: O-Okay.

Ochaco: We are going to make this Birthday to make up for all the ones You Never Had. And that is a Promise!

Ochaco and the Girls had been Planning this for almost a Semester. They wanted to make this Birthday Very Special. After all, he was Way Overdue.

The two spent another 2 Hours Cuddling until it was time.

Ochaco and Tsuyu walked Izuku out of U.A. They were heading somewhere Private.

Once they got Closer, Ochaco covered Izuku's Eyes.

Once they Arrived they saw Izuku's Girlfriends, as well as Iida and Inko Eri and Kota.

Izuku noticed Someone wasn't there.

Izuku: Where's Kaachan?

Kyoka: Like we would let that Bastard anywhere NEAR here!

Momo: We felt that it was for the Best to not Include him.

Izuku decided to not Push the Subject.

First was Birthday Hugs and Kisses. Then came Gifts.

Then came the Games.

Then came Cake. Eri and Kota's Favorite.

Soon enough, everyone left. Inko went back to her home. The Pros went back to Either U.A. or their Homes.

Izuku and the Rest also went back home.

The Girls laid in Bed with Izuku. Asking Iida tk watch over Eri and Kota.

Izuku Passed out in his Bed.

He shot back awake when he felt his Pants get Undone.

Izuku: Wha?

Ochaco: It's your "Special" Gift.

It was a good thing that the Rooms were Soundproofed. Because if they weren't, well... No one would get any sleep.

End Of Chapter.

Sorry Godslayer2468 This isn't a Lemon Chapter. And besides. With Covid Omnicron, I probably wouldn't habe the Strength for it anyway. You'll have to Imagine it.

Also. I failed to get this Before Midnight. FUCK!

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