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A/N: When I make these stories, I try to keep things as Canon as possible, unless I'm writing a direct AU. However, there will be changes , as this book is meant to be fluff.

1. Mineta is not as bad as he is in Canon, he is still a perv, just not as bad. Just something I wanted to experiment with.

2. Midoriya is still our shy Cinnamon Roll, that we all know and love. I do like seeing Confident Izuku fics. But to be honest, some of them are too out of character for my liking. Theres only so much of that I can take.

3. NO LEMONS!!! Honestly can we tone them down a little? There is honestly way to much.

There are a few more things but why spoil them? I'll tell you as they go along.

UPDATE: Fixed a few spelling mistakes as well as added something due to the next chapter.


If you told Izuku Midoriya he'd make it to U.A. he would be so happy. If you told him he would have two kids he would probably shut down. If you told him he would have girlfriends who want to be the moms of his kids. He would faint, and Inko would both be happy and shocked that her baby has girlfriends.

How did all this happen, well. It happened before the dorms. Midoriya had adopted Kota after Kota said he wanted to stay with him, much to the tears of Mandalay. But she made him promise that she must still be allowed to visit her nephew. Not like he would deny it anyway.

He adopted Eri after she managed to escape Overhaul, and they managed to catch him. She wanted to stay with him because he was the only adult she trusted.

At first Aizawa was very unsupportive of this decision. And made his reasons on why this was Irrational. Mainly putting Midoriya's age as the main reason. However he settled when he was told of Eri's mental state, she might have frequent panic attacks, and the abuse she suffered from Overhaul gave her terrible separation anxiety. So since he was the only one she trusted, it was a better idea to let him take custodoy of her. Aizawa did agree on the fact that while Midoriya was young. It would be bad if she can't trust anyone else, so eventually he agreed.

That and Nezu didn't give him any other choice, since he was very supportive of this decision. He didn't want to argue with someone who can dock his payment. And he wasn't working for free. And he sure as hell didn't trust Hizashi Yamada or Kayama Nemuri to teach his class. So he agreed on the condition that on School days Midoriya would let a teacher watch over them.

Midoriya P.O.V.

I woke up in my room, which was transferred into a much bigger room which held a bunk bed for Eri and Kota. They were still sleeping. Today wasn't a school day so I could sleep in if I wanted but my force of habit woke me up to go train, but I decided to sleep in. I couldn't leave or Eri would freak out. Kota was doing a little better after his encounter with Muscular. Eri, was slowly getting over her trauma caused by Overhaul. But she still is very flinchy, so Kaachan has to stay away from her.

Also for some reason the girls in my class as well as in 1B are starting to be a little nicer to me, not that I'm complaining or anything, but it is a little odd. Some of these people I never really interacted with. I mean I have spoke to them. But we haven't really interacted much. At first they were just getting a little more social with me, that I could handle. But they are getting a little to close to me and by that I mean they were starting to, well, I don't know how to explain it, I am terrible with girls, but long story short, they are getting too comfy around me, and with me not having any experience with girls until U.A. and the only girls I talk to regularly with is Uraraka and Tsu. But even they are starting to get a little too close to me.

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