The Serpents Menace

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"We've got to distract the serpent." Boris yelled.
The Lima Serpent raged all over the Island, while Zane tried to keep it occupied, but the strangest thing kept happening, everytime it seemed as if Zane knew what the serpent would do the serpent stopped whatever it was going to do and raced after the group but whenever Zane raised his sword to strike the serpent focused his attention on him. In this way Zane bought the group the few precious moments they needed to escape. Edward had seemingly been eaten by the serpent, just as Lionheart had planned. Nolander, Shadow and Weapons master suddenly appeared out of nowhere and weapons master tossed a bow towards Boris, Boris caught it and looked at him.
"I'm a person who runs fast, I go up to the opponent and defeat him up close, not poke him with arrows." Boris scoffed.
"You'll need it." Weapons master quietly said. "According to legends the Lima Serpent can sense the near future, that's why it's always evaded capture."
"It knows the future?" General asked, he was fit enough to run by now.
"Not exactly." Weapons master tossed three arrows to Boris "He can sense the near future, that means whatever that could happen within 10 seconds of what he sees, thus he has the ability to change it."
"How do we defeat him then?" Shadow asked, he knew the leader possessed a monster but no one ever knew what the demon was, also many had speculated that such an abnormally massive creature as the Lima Serpent couldn't possibly exist.
"That even I do not know, Zane controls space time he said. Well nows a good time as any to control the future." Weapons master looked hopefully at Zane.
"I remember the earlier missions that the leader had sent me to do." Shadow remembered "He had sent for me to gather information about all the myths about monsters from the ancient times. I stole the books from the great library of Ondur. I didn't see much but I did see a serpent on the cover of one book with lines tied towards a singular point."
"That was the theory of singular outcome." Alex appeared behind everyone in running, Lionheart grunted in displeasure and ended up carrying her.
"Singular outcome?" General asked.
"It's basically a situation in which  one event is bound to happen. All possible probabilities lead to that one conclusion. It's immensely hard to replicate in real life though, there are too many unknown variables." Alex explained, looking over Liomhearts shoulder to see Zane barely dodging the tail.
"So we have to create such an outcome that only one event is possible, like the serpent dying?" Lionheart asked.
"Yes, no other outcome can be involved otherwise it has a 50-50 chance of working." Alex said.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, the serpent can see the near future right? Not the way to avoid it? So maybe if we close most of the portals we can find that'll help it to escape, we can possibly defeat it for good." Alex explained.
"So we have to close every way of it escaping?" Shadow gritted his teeth "That'll be damn hard. The serpent can just dive into the ground or the sea whenever it wants to."
"That's the main reason why the Lima Serpent mightve survived so long." Alex theorized.
"What do you suggest we do?" General asked.
"I suggest that we talk with Zane first, he can close most of the ways and maybe even cloud the serpents vision for a few precious moments." Alex asked.
"Yeah this will not be easy, why did this have to happen after the stupid Iskander thing." Nolander rolled his eyes, stepping over a twig.
"Yeah the Magician is now at the boat, effectively stopping Iskander from creating more chaos. Now we don't have  healers too." Boris grumbled. "Lionheart and General look like they'll collapse anytime soon now."
"This is nothing, remember the conquest  of point 318?" Lionheart smiled at General. General smiled, ever so slightly.
"Wouldn't forget it. Ever."
"Yeah this is not the time to get mushy." Shadow looked behind as the serpent again turned to deal with Zane. Alex gritted her teeth.
"We'll just have to try, there's no other choice." Alex instructed "Boris you must tell the blacksmith and the Navigator to Come to the north point again. Iskander has to be killed, I don't care about him, right now all our resources have to be towards defeating that serpent."
"No." General said, everyone looked at him as if he was insane "Remember we're not heroes who have to kill every enemy in our way and use all our resources to do it. It isn't always only one choice."
"Then what are you suggesting we do?"
"Leave Zane to deal with him. The only logical solution. He'll understand." General quietly said. A hush decended over the group as they ran through the Island. What General was speaking was perfectly logical. The serpent wasn't fast enough to reach them if they got a three hour headstart.
"No." Lionheart smiled. "The warrior code does not allow it. We do not abandon our crew, no matter the circumstance."
General smiled, broadly for the first time as if he had expected this answer all along.
"Fine We'll execute the plan once we reach the north point."
Suddenly a loud scream was heard. Zane got hit by the serpents tail and went flying. The serpent stood there for a while as if he himself was surprised and then slowly turned and looked at the group.
"Well General if you wanna live better act now." Shadow said as the gigantic creature rushed to crush the group.
'Where am I?' Zane wondered. The world was spinning, he appeared to be midair.
'Oh right the serpent hit me. I was a fraction of a second too late.' Almost instantaneously Zane saw what would happen in the next few seconds, he would hit his head and he would die. He instinctively tucked in his head and suddenly the world seemed much faster. He hit the ground and rolled off and then hit his back on something hard. The  world grew black.
Zane opened his eyes and he appeared to be in an even darker place. There were strings that were glowing in front of him and there was complete and utter darkness behind.
"Where is this?" Zane wondered aloud.
"Not exactly sure where although it is somewhere." Came a voice behind him. Zane's warrior instincts flew into action and he immediately punched the guy. The guy stopped it with one finger.
"Do not be afraid I come in peace." The guy said.
"Where is this place?" Zane asked him.
"Well I did say it was somewhere and I'm not wrong but if you had to give it a name I would say......... Beyond." The guy said
"Beyond? Beyond what?" Zane felt like punching the guy again. The guy floated to where the strings were and rested his toe lightly upon it.
"Beyond reason. Beyond everything real. Beyond space-time."

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