Quick A/N: I'm back bishes!! Did you miss me?

Also, when I created Andreas, it was before the manwhas/manhuas took over the daddy kink issue so I didn't expect sooo many people to SIMP for this man. Like holy shish you guys need some Hobi water.


unedited - ˜1200 words

Despite telling himself to face his fears and befriend Hua Xinyi, the atmosphere around them always grew stale since Lily would be around him 24/7. Evan could deduct that Lily was in a way, infatuated with Hua Xinyi already and so he chose to keep a distance. Yet, it was the very same Hua Xinyi who kept finding him in awkward situations. So in order to avoid him better, Evan resorted to one of his least used methods, hidden passageways.

It was on this particular day that he encountered a very unfortunate event. Or in better words, an unfortunate person.

"Throw it in a cell for now. I don't want the lord to find out about these troublesome things."

Evan peeked through a peephole worn through the stones to see the figures, one burly and the other lanky, standing over the curled-up body of a boy not much different in stature to himself.

The damp smell of rot and blood filled the space, this wasn't a space he had known about before. In all, Evan had only explored less than half of all the secret passageways in the castle and that was by using the memories of the game.

Evan can only assume that this space isn't known to his parents at all if the men are able to speak so grossly about the Moonbridges here. According to his memories of the passages, this place would be just a few staircases deep underneath the servant's quarters. 

The lanky man pulled the boy on the ground up by his hair, dragging him back in the dark cell beyond his vision. Evan flinched at the banging sound that echoed from what he could only assume was the impact of flesh and cold metal.

The men then dusted their hands before turning to leave.

"He should be worth more than what that b**ch before him was. Nobles these days pay big bucks for Iosines. We shouldn't have killed that witch he called his mother before. She would've sold for a good price as well."

"It's fine. Her heart and lungs already sold pretty well yesterday. What with their stupid beliefs, Iosines can cure any disease if you drink their blood. Their hair can repel evil spirits," the lanky man started laughing loudly, "they're just a bunch of stupid forest mutants."

Evan shuddered and waited until their voices had dissipated far enough before hopping out of the passageways through an opening. He walked silently towards the hallway to check if anyone was still left before looking back at the dark corner of the cell.

"Hey!" he whispered, "Are you ok?" 

He facepalmed, that was a stupid question to ask. But strangely the body in the cell quivered and turned towards him.

The boy stared at him blankly, his ghostly pale appearance almost giving Evan a fright. Even for a person who knows about the sub-explanation for this world, anyone would be frightened by such a scene.

As if the boy could sense his fear, he smirked.

"Are you here to gawk at me too?" he coughed, blood staining his already stained shirt. He recalled the fuzzy figure of a girl who also came down the passageway only to stare at him, sneering about his unfortunate fate before bidding a snarky goodbye.

Evan didn't know how to respond, and he couldn't recognize who this person was either. There was never any mention of the illegal trade of magical beast parts in the game. This was beyond his knowledge and it made him feel a bit afraid.

"What's your name? How did you get here?" He asked, stalking around to see if there were any tools to break the lock on the cell.

"Why do you even care? It's not like you know me," the boy's eyes remained dull. He didn't try to fix his slumped position from the cold and dirty stone floor either.

Evan shook his head but didn't respond. He continued, "How long have they kept you here? How come no one knows about this?"

The boy's eyes followed him around the room, watching him struggle to break the metal lock with a rusted knife, "days, months maybe. I don't know anymore."

After a while of struggle, he finally broke the lock. Evan opened the door, which made the boy flinch, his eyes closing tightly. But instead of any painful impact, he felt something soft graze on his forehead. 

He opened his eyes to see the other holding a blue handkerchief to his bleeding skin. When the other's skin contacted his, he could feel the mixed energy of a damaged soul. Iosines were sensitive to magical energy, and he could already tell this boy has the seedling of the ethereal curse in him already. He wanted to laugh at the irony. Two cursed beings meeting at such a curse time.

"I don't have anything else I can offer," Evan tried to keep a distance as to not scare the other.

He sat up wearily, flinching as his aching body struggled to hold his position, "you should leave while you still can. Are you not afraid of mutants?"

Evan shook his head, "They used to call my mother a witch as well."

The two sat in silence for a bit. Then Evan decidedly grabbed the other, pulling him onto his back. He could feel the boy flinch harshly against him but could only offer some words of apologies.

Before the other could protest, Evan had already jumped through an opening back to the hidden passageways. He slowly but steadily made his way back up towards the main part of the castle.

He could feel the body above him become limp and when he let the other down, he found the boy had already fallen unconscious.

What surprised Evan even more, was the runes printed onto the boy's skin, it was marked all over his face and down his whole left arm. He hadn't seen it before because of the dark dungeon cell. The cursive lines faded from red to black and swirled as if they were still wet ink.

A loud sound came from the door and before Evan could hide the boy, Lily had already barged in. Behind her was Hua Xinyi, whose face already showed discomfort at such rude behavior. 

The situation became a stalemate as they all stared blankly at each other. Lily's eye twitched and her smile become more cheery.

Before Evan could say a word, Hua Xinyi had already pulled him towards Lily and the doorway.

"Are you bullying the servants again dear Evan?" Lily pouted, closed fan pointing at the unconscious body.

"It would seem that is no servant, Miss Moonbridge, but an iosine," Hua Xinyi pulled out his sword. These were the very creatures who had murdered his family years ago.

"Wait!" Evan had again stepped in front of the mutant, he had to think of a way to divert their attention quick, "this one had offended me, so I want to take care of it personally. I didn't mean to dirty your eyes like this. But you caught me quite by surprise." He tried to keep a cool voice, adding some iciness that his father usually had.

"If you had some better manners, I would then politely ask you to leave my quarters, Lily. And I'm sorry to have caused such distress to you, Hua Xinyi."

Lily huffed, stomping out of the door, pulling Hua Xinyi out with her, who had a sorry expression on his face. Still, his face darken when he glanced back at the iosine laying bloody on the floor.

Evan looked back at the pale and bloody figure in his room. What was he supposed to do now?

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