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"Hey Evan! Come help me with the luggage."
"Yeah, just give me a minute"
Evan Sun, 22 years old and moving to study abroad for the first time in his life. Having graduated from University of Los Singeles, he had signed up an abroad program for a small town in rural Europe.
Though he was not a genius, he was competent and good-natured. A personality that attracted many of his peers as well as juniors. But it was also true that his appearance was god-given; straight black hair and sharp dark eyes. He was what most people considered an viral social icon, having been memefied as the confused boyfriend meme trending on the net just recently.
Evan shoved the last of his luggage on the trolley beside his friend's van.
"Thanks man. I wouldn't know what to do without you," he smiled lopsidedly, gaining a few blushing glances from the flight attendants walking by.
"No worries, and stop smiling like that, I don't want the whole airport collapsing from the glare of your face," Leo scoffed, he then smacked his shoulder and smirk, "If you meet any pretty girls over there, remember to introduce them to me too! I've always wanted to know what a blondie looks like down there" He winked.
Evan blushed down to his neck, "You f***** player! I'll introduce you to a ghost, see how you like it then." The two goofed around for a moment, giving each other noogies.
"Alright, alright," Leo finally admitted defeat after a strangling koala hug that attracted quite a bit of attention. "Just remember to stay safe, I've got a date with destiny so I'll go first. Don't miss your flight, I don't have enough gas to pick you up again." He walked back to his car, waving with his back still towards the airport, not forgetting to yell a last "ANd remember to call me BABE!"
Evan shook his head in exasperation and grabbed the trolley with his luggage. If by destiny, Leo probably meant the lab again. Leo was quite the scientist compared to him after all. Though he didn't want to pack much, he was forced to as the program would last around 2 years. It was a simple program about volunteering to support rural towns with medical care and agricultural welfare. He had specifically chosen to help with the orphanage there as he himself had grown up as an orphan. It felt good to give back now that he was an adult.
At least that was his last thought boarding the plane before his life changed, ... literally.
The next thing he knew, he was floating in space. Or what looked like cosmic space. It was a strange sight yet it didn't feel strange at all. Looking around, he saw that those lights were more like little quivering lanterns in all different shapes and sizes. And it looked like he had become one as well. There were voices that kept calling out to all of them. It was almost as if the whole place was just a cosmic market with numerous side vendors.
    "You must be confused aren't you."
Evan jumped, or as he appeared now, bounced, " Um hi, what is that place" He spun around, trying to find the speaker.
    "I'm over here."
That's when he noticed something coming out from a little black void that stood far from the busy highways of lights. It looked similar to a snake, but fluffy. It looked as if someone thought it would be a good idea to stick feathers on the reptile. He shuddered, he never was very fond of any reptiles.
    "Hey! I'm already as harmless as it gets. What more can I do?" The thing huffed and turned its head, acting hurt.
Evan felt speechless. This was one of the weirdest dreams he had ever experienced and he was talking to a fluffy snake.
    "Yeah, you are pretty weird to come talk to a mighty serpent such as myself. But don't you worry, I can explain everything." It nodded proudly with squinted eyes, "Hi! I'll be your guide, I'll be your G-U-I-D-E to the other side... since you're not going to the Netherworld. Nevermind, here you are at the reincarnation highway."
    "You mean... I'M DEAD?" how was this possible? When did this happen? Why? What about all his friends? And the program? He was only 22 and in great physical condition.
    "Lay off a bit, death isn't so bad, and now you're here with me!"
He was still in shock, but trying his best to process, but every emotion he felt was fleeting, it never lasted more than a moment. And he could feel his memory fading. It felt as if he was a sieve, everything that goes through him is lost immediately after.
    "Oh, you better hurry then. Without a physical vessel, you won't be able to remember things, and you lose your past memories as well. ... And also, you can't move without a body, that's why you have me!" I squinted its eyes happily again.
    "Fine, let's go, I don't fancy the feeling of my memories fading too much."
The fluffy snake curled its tail around him and slither closer to the busy highway. Before he knew what was happening, he was already flying along with it.
    "KeEp YoUr EaRs OpEn InCaSe ThErE's AnY oPtIoNs YoU LiKe!" It yelled back at him.
They flowed through the cosmic pathway at a breakneck speed and he felt nauseous trying to keep up with every vender's voice. He was about to give up and just go with the next one when he saw a large empty space a bit farther up that was much more quiet.
    "There! Take me there please!"
The serpent did as directed and stopped at the quiet little vendor that looked quite pitiful.
Evan wanted to wretch but it was quite impossible as he had no body. He glanced at the distressing vendor, who immediately smiled so wide their gums were showing.
    "Thank you thank you thank you! You have no idea how long I've been stuck here. Nobody wants this destination and I'm dying to get away from this job!"
Evan glanced back at the fluffy snake, but it avoided his eyes, you pick it, you deal with it.
The vendor continued to introduce everything to him, "You see, you can become the great son of a Marchioness, a noble. How would that not be great?!"
     "... Is this set in a monarchy or something? Wait, why does it feel like Europe?"
    "What no, of course not! This is in the great continent of Inamero, a beautiful place might I add," the vendor sweatily avoided his eyes, laughing nervously.
    "Spirit guide, or whatever, let's go..." He had a really bad feeling about this vendor. Not to mention that it's a gut feeling without a gut.
Seeing that he was still floating away, the vendor couldn't take it anymore, "WAIT PLEASSEEE, I cannot receive one more rejection... this is a limited time offer, the child has already been conceived, if you leave, my salary's gonna drop!.. I mean... it will become a soulless body!"
Evan stopped, he had been an orphan all his life, so he had never had to experience losing a parent. He could hardly imagined what a parent losing a child at birth would feel. He bit his lip in thought, this was reincarnation, it was no game. Choosing this would be choosing a new life for himself.
    "Fine I'll do it."
The vendor was so relieved he almost cried, "Yes, yes, you can even pick two talents for yourself."
"How about 3, I like odd numbers better." He couldn't help it, odd numbers just looked more satisfying.
The vendor's tears were now of great distress, "Ok". (T▽T)
    "So how does this work? Will I still remember all of this?" He felt quite despondent with how the situation looked. On one side, he was dead; on the other, he's about to become a noble in a continent called Inamero.
Now that he thought about it, why does it sound so familiar? His memories were hard to grasp but he felt a sense of deja vu when the vendor was trying to convince him about the place.
    The vendor was still crying invisible tears while taking out the paper-work. Well, technically they were a lifeline. Each reincarnation station has one as life begins on one end and eventually stops at the other. It was unpredictable and against the rules for anyone to meddle with unless it was the soul who chose it themselves. They stopped their tears with new motivation to reward themself with a big bowl of heaven ramen when they're finally finished with this damn job. Others only took a day or 2 to transfer a new soul from their station but they had been stuck at this station for 2 F***K*** WEEKS. Calm down, they told themself, almost done.
    "So what talent would you like? You can pick anything you want and you have three. That's one more than the average my friend." The vendor nodded in satisfaction and a bit of excitement, they suddenly felt like a genie.
Evan thought for a while, because he was an orphan, his part time jobs to pay off schooling fees had taken away any opportunities for him to learn or do anything fun. He was curious, but also, a bit lazy when it came to having to pick an activity to do. He suddenly remembered Leo dragging him by the legs out to the soccer field just for him to fall asleep at the goal post while the others were playing. In his defense, the teams were stuck on the opposite field for a long time, ... and he was bored.
    "I want to be able to make delicious sweets! " He had always wanted to make them without having to waste money on store bought ones. Plus, baking would be a no-sweat no-adrenaline needed type of hobby. It was perfect for him.
The vendor was struck speechless... was this soul a bit damaged? Should they send him to the soul rehabilitation center? Sweets?!!!? Really?
    Nonetheless, they complied though their smile twitched, "And?"
    Evan thought deeply again and considered that since he was going to be in a historical setting, it would be best to at least be good at defending himself. And he knew what he was best at, "Agility, I want to have extremely good agility. Oh and I want cats to love me a lot. I want them to adore me!"
The vendor was again speechless, they had never had a soul take so long to answer this part, and not to mention answer like This! Usually it had always been the same 'I want to be rich, super smart, music talented, blah blah blah." They had always expected the same demands and came to believe that most earth souls were very ambitious. This soul was basically asking to be loved by wild animals?!!? (ノ`□')ノ⌒┻━┻
    "Just sign here and here and no refunds or reimbursements here. It will be up to you once you are reincarnated, we can't help you. This isn't some system games like the Earth humans like to fantasize about. I can't believe the Master still like them so much, specially since she discovered about their new interest," they shook their head and glanced around before whispering, "BL novels."
Evan snickered, he remembered how one of his friend, Ava, was obsessed with those as well. At one point, she wanted to ship him and Leo together. He quickly read through the terms and conditions, (unlike most people) and signed while the vendor continued to a blue panel to submit the information. He briefly saw the name flashing 'Evan Sterling Moonbrigde'. Why did that look so familiar, he could have sworn he had seen it before, but from where? For once, he really hated being a floating sphere of light.
    "Ok... go ahead and walked towards the gateway. It will automatically transport you." the vendor tapped their finger against their chin, "Oh and you won't remember anything once you pass the transportation gate..." Evan had already disappeared. "... I think." They laughed nervously while turning towards the fluffy snake glaring daggers at them.
(SNAKE: observant, quick to anger, usually possesses great physical beauty and is not necessarily venomous except when protecting the family.
Birds - The soul, transcendence, spirits of air, ascent, communication, freedom, sight.)

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