Chapter 25 - Training and The Letters

426 22 6

Japanese - "Normal Text"

English - "Bold"

Thoughts - 'Italics' (Only in 3rd person scenarios)

Sign Language - 'Normal Text'

<No-One's POV>

At long last, the students of 1A were finally reunited back in their classroom. It had been a full week of varying experiences. A few of them barely did anything useful to their hero training, but most of the class had a very average experience. And then there were the few who had some very exciting and borderline perilous experiences.

Since the lesson hadn't started yet, everyone was busy chatting about what they did during their respective internships. Midoriya, Todoroki and Iida were receiving quite a bit of sympathy due to being "caught" in the Hosu incident with The Hero Killer. And Hachi's group were receiving quite a bit of attention due to their involvement in the take down of the large villain organisation.

The bee was currently chatting about this exact topic with his other friends who weren't there.

"So, you had to fight a big dude like that?? On your own?!?" Sato shouts in shock.

"Well, I wouldn't really call it a 'fight'. I mostly just dodged and ran away." He says with a small and oddly calm smile as he grabs and takes a small sip from the straw of his Caprisun.

"Yea, but you did take one of his punches. And he had an impressive strength quirk as well." Shoji adds.

"I don't really remember doing that, actually. One minute I see him approaching, then the next, I was being held up by Fatgum and the villain was unconscious on the floor. Oh, but I do appreciate what you were saying!"

"As someone who was there, it was pretty impressive, even if you don't remember, everyone else does. And I'm sure those kids remember it the most." Ojiro states.

"Woaa! Didn't know you were some wise philosopher!" Mina pops out of seemingly nowhere just to tease the tailed boy.

"Oh, come on! I was just trying to say something nice! And it wasn't even that out there of a thing to say!"

"Regardless, they were some very wise words." The bird finally joins the conversation

'I'm kind of jealous. I didn't really do much during my internship.' Koda adds.

"Actually, I didn't get much of a chance to do anything either." Tokoyami confesses.

"Even if you didn't do anything, you should still be proud of the few things you did do! Even if it was just watching and learning!" Hachi notes, telling them that regardless, it should have still been a useful experience.

"Damn! Is it poetry week or something?" Mina proceeds to make a joke of the same calibre as her previous one.

But soon, Bakugou had arrived and made his appearance. As usual, he entered the room very angrily, though more so than usual. The source of this heightened anger became quite evident when glancing up at his new hairstyle.

His once spiked hair was now brushed and flattened down against his head. It was one hell of a look, that was for sure, though maybe not the one for him. This occurrence greatly entertained the class, some more than others.

Unfortunately, 1A's fun was cut off by the appearance of their homeroom teacher and hero course teacher.

"I AM HERE...again!" All Might announces his arrival, before realizing it probably isn't necessary for him to be so over the top.

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