Chapter 32 - The Forest of Stone Beasts

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Japanese - "Normal Text"

English - "Bold"

Thoughts - 'Italics' (Only in 3rd person scenarios)

Sign Language - 'Normal Text'

<No-One's POV>

Anyone that was on their phone or just relaxing, were suddenly jolted to attention when the bus came to a halt. Hachi was gently shaken awake by Tokoyami, who he was still resting on and then everyone was promptly ushered off the bus.

No one really got much of a chance to grab their things or just process what was going on. They were just thrown off the bus and were now being introduced to the Pro Hero Group, the Wild Wild Pussycats.

It was only after the fairly long introduction that they began to notice the very suspicious surroundings. Suspicious in the sense that there was a very suspicious lack of the camp that they were supposed to be going to. Surprisingly, Kaminari was the first to realise what was about to occur and began shouting for everyone to get back into the bus.

Kaminari's panic definitely helped Hachi to realise what was going on, but he figured it would be best to just stay put, I mean, a good run (and or walk) would probably help wake him up a bit more. A few other people also just stayed put, namely Tokoyami, Bakugou, Todoroki, Iida, and Momo.

It didn't matter if the students were, the entire class were thrown off the cliff side road and into the forest region below. Luckily for Hachi, and unluckily for the rest of the class, he had wings, so he managed to spare himself from the rough landing.

The pro heroes shouted down towards the now stranded students, explaining that they should be able to make it to the camping grounds before 12 (or more accurately, Lunch time). Everyone was pretty annoyed at the situation, but figured it wouldn't be THAT difficult to get there, they just have to walk in one direction to the camp, right...

It wasn't until they heard the cracking of branches and full trees, or the aggressive rustling and shaking of bushes that they realised something might be a bit off. Admittedly, the loud animalistic roars and growls were a far bigger giveaway that something was in and amongst those trees.

After a few minutes of processing the situation, they were quite literally just thrown into, their class rep sprung into action and began encouraging everyone to walk on.

Hachi was walking alongside his usual group, still not fully awake yet, when the first beast of the forest appeared near the group. Bakugou promptly blew up the creature with a lot more explosions that anyone expected. As good as it seemed that the creature was now down, it was pretty clear that these rocky beasts were far stronger than they had initially assumed.

There was also another big problem. It was definitely a good thing that Bakugou took out the monster, but for the same reason that you shouldn't use a loud gun in a zombie apocalypse, it wasn't a very good idea. Those loud explosions attracted a lot of the other forest beasts over to their location, you could tell by the alarmingly close sounds of big stone limbs smacking the ground and trees being toppled over.

Hachi decided to spring into action, maybe not as efficiently as he would if he was actually awake. All while Bakugou was being unsuccessfully scolded by Iida for his "Brash decision making."

"Jiro, Shoji. You two should check how close the monsters are. Maybe see if you can figure out how many there are?"

The bee then proceeds to take off his jacket and glasses to free his wings and eyes. He holds them both in his hands for a few seconds, seemingly contemplating something, before coming to some kind of conclusion and dropping them on the floor (or more accurately dropping his jacket on the floor and gently placing the glasses on top of it as to not break them.) Though they aren't on the ground for long as Tokoyami decides to pick them up, to make sure nothing happens to them during any battles, and so they don't accidently leave them.

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