Kindness Costs Nothing

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Wandering down the stairs with Mila in my arms as I always do, I see her rest her head onto my shoulder, her eyes closing again.

"Is someone still tired?" She nods yes as a yawn falls from her.

"Yeah. But I'm more hungry than tired, daddy," I can't help but smile. Turning my head I place a soft kiss on Mila's forehead, feeling her nuzzle into my shoulder more.

"Let's get some breakfast then. You go and get comfy on the couch, I'll sort our cereal out," as I walk into the kitchen, I place Mila down on the floor and watch as she walks over to the couch in the living area. I take myself in the opposite direction to the kitchen, hearing the TV switch on knowing she'll want to watch cartoons of some description.

Opening the cupboard above the kettle after flicking the switch down to boil the water, I reach inside and take hold of the box of Rice Krispies, a shared favourite of me and Mila. I pour an equal amount into bowls for us before topping them up with milk. Just as I pour the liquid over them, I start to hear them snapping, crackling and popping just like the advert has always said, since I was a kid. Once our cups of tea are made, I take them over to the coffee table in front of Mila and place them down before collecting our bowls of cereal. I lift hers over her in front of her and she takes it, digging in straight away.

"Eat up, princess," I walk around the couch and see the letter that captured all my attention last night, resting where I was going to sit, beside Mila. I reach down and carefully remove the piece of paper so I can take my seat beside her.

"What's that, daddy?" I smile, sitting down. I knew she'd ask, she's always been inquisitive about anything and everything.

"It's a letter, from my fan mail," she takes a spoonful of her cereal, thinking hard.

"But it's separate from everything else?" I nod, smiling as I start to eat my cereal. Without me even telling her, she knows - just like I do - that somehow this letter is different. I don't know why or how it's different, I just know it is. For whatever reason.

"It is,"


"Because I was reading it last night, darling. While you were in bed," Mila reaches over to the coffee table in front of us and places her cereal down. She stands and moves in front of me, looking me directly in the eye. My greens match hers.

"Will you read the letter to me?" Well, that was... unexpected. Mila's never taken an interest in fan mail or anything to do with football really - apart from coming to the matches. She sees me as her daddy, just as she should do.

Nodding, I place my bowl next to hers and pull her into my lap. Her back rests against my chest, her legs crossed under her, resting on mine. I take hold of the letter and bring it in front of us, beginning to read it out to Mila. As she's asked. Mila sits in silence as I read, listening carefully to every word. When I'm finished and say who it's from - Josephine - Mila's head whips around to me, shock written all across her face.

"It's from a girl?" I nod yes, sliding the letter back into the envelope.

"It is. Daddy gets mail from both girls and boys, darling. Everyone's allowed to like football, aren't they? But do you know what made me keep this letter out?"

"Because it's from a girl?" I can't help but laugh. Slowly, I shake my head no, reaching up to smooth Mila's blonde locks away from her face. She always wakes up with such a bedhead, she has me to thank for that.

"No, princess. Because of how kind it was. And how kind her words were. It's important to be kind to people, darling. You being kind can make someone else's day that little bit easier," Mila nods, her shoulders lifting and falling as she sighs.

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