It Feels Real

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I could lie here all day watching Jo sleep beside me. Her long lashes caress the top of her cheeks and her full lips remain slightly parted, allowing for her even breath to come in and out. She looks so peaceful. Her face is soft and calm, with just the hint of a smile on the corner of her lips. It almost looks like she's smirking just as I've been with how I want to wake her up.

It's exactly how she was yesterday morning when I woke up to see both Mila and Jo in exactly the same position they fell asleep in after Mila's nightmare. I wanted to keep Jo out of that, I didn't want her judging me for taking my daughter to her mother's resting place. I didn't know how she'd take it, a graveyard is the last place a four-year-old should be going to. But in our situation, it's where her mother is. And I couldn't have asked for better help. Mila gravitated into Jo's arms and she held and comforted her. She gave her whatever she needed to feel better and know she was safe. I barely did anything, it was all Jo. But after Mila fell asleep I knew I owed her an explanation. And all I got was support and reassurance which comforted me even more. They may have sounded like empty words when I said them to Jo, but I'm genuinely glad me and Mila have her in our lives.

Gently, moving closer to her, I drape my arm across her waist, curling my arm and hand around her side before dipping my head so my lips can touch her skin. I start to pepper feather-light kisses on her shoulder and just over her collarbone, hoping this will start to wake her up. Her wake up calls have been more than enjoyable for both of us these last few weeks so I think it's only fair I return the favour. And selfishly, I've been dying to do this since she first let me touch her. I just hope she'll let me.

Continuing to kiss her softly, I squeeze myself closer to her side, hearing her hum before her eyes squeeze closed tightly.

"Good morning," she hums again, her eyebrows rising before she resettles against the pillow. I continue placing kisses around her collarbone, allowing my warm breath to fan against her skin.

"I was wondering when you'd wake up, baby. I could watch you sleep all day," keeping her eyes closed, her lips curl into a smirk as she sighs.

"Why do I get the feeling you're not going to let me sleep anymore, skipper?" I smile against her, moving my kisses up the column of her neck.

"Well, you could go back to sleep, if you wanted to, that is. Or... I could wake you with this," purposefully, I trail the tip of my tongue up her neck, feeling her stomach fall as she gasps for breath in surprise.

"Hero, what -"

"I want to taste you..." I keep my voice low, feeling her gasp again. I curl my arm further around her and dive under her vest, feeling her soft, flat stomach. Her lips remain in a smirk and before she bites down on her bottom lip, pulling it between her teeth, stifling a moan.

I move my kisses around to her jawline before I reach her lips, feeling them mould around mine. She sighs into our kiss, almost in relief while I trail my hand down to her shorts. Tactically, I turn my hand as I slide it further south before placing it over the apex of her thighs. She gasps again, her teeth sinking further into her bottom lip.

"Here," instantly her eyes open wide, finding mine. I press down slightly, seeing her legs lift as they bend at the knee.

"You do?" I nod yes against her, surprised at the disbelief in her voice.

"I do. I want to know what you taste like," she smiles again, a hum falling from her before she begins to nod, saying yes.

Placing my top half over hers, I bring our lips back together momentarily before beginning to move them down her jawline and her neck. She's panting beneath me already and I've not done anything as of yet.

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