THE tribrid

24 1 0

TW:death, blood, murder, suicide

I was wandering through the woods and came across a village. It wasn't the village where Dad's wolves lived. It was a village of ordinary people. I couldn't help myself and screamed once more so that with my magic that came out of me set the whole village on fire.

I decided to make myself even more powerful. To kill myself and become a vampire. Then no one and nothing will be able to stop me from achieving my goal. I decided to just put magic on myself to stop my heart for real this time. I knew I had to feed on human blood afterwards. I did the spell quickly, not thinking about how my dad told me being a vampire was a curse. I woke up after a whike. Every little sound was killing my ears. I smelled every scent much stronger. Dad told me he that happens in transition for a vampire. Now I have to find someone to take his blood to complete the transformation. I saw a man screaming because of a fire I caused recently.

Y:"STOP SHOUTING!" I took a knife from his desk in front of the house and took his hand. Since I was partly a werewolf I was stronger than humans and he couldn't resist. I cut ohis hand so that blood began to flow to him. Before I took a sip of blood that would finally turn me into a vampire, I thought about how Mom and Dad never wanted me to be one. Regardless, I took and drank the blood, thinking it was the right decision. How wrong I was then ... I saw the sky turn red as my mom described it to me when I was born. Lightning began and I looked hungrily at the man whose blood I drank a few seconds ago. The veins under my eyes began to pop out. I could feel my fangs popping out too. I bit the man's neck and sucked his blood. It was such a pleasure. I wiped the blood from my lips. And I looked at the people watching me.
Y:"Someone wants to be next?" I reached the next person at super speed and sucked her blood. I did this until every person in the village was dead.

395 words

still not end of the flash back :))))

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