Chapter 6

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Pepper had heard the news the moment it dropped. It had flashed across her computer and she'd immediately ended her current meeting. She was on the phone with Happy before she had even left the room and told FRIDAY to tell her when Peter arrived.

He beat her to the penthouse.


He seemed torn between running to her and keeping Michelle wrapped up in his arms. Michelle made the decision for him, ducking out of his arms and nudging him in Pepper's direction.

"I'm sorry!" Peter blurted, eyes wide with panic. "I'm―I don't know―It's doctored footage, I swear to god―"

"Breathe, Peter," Pepper said sharply. He startled, staring at her in surprise, but shocked enough that his panicked rambling stopped and he breathed. "You have to breathe, Peter," she repeated, softer this time.

"I can't," Peter gasped. His eyes flitted to Michelle who was at his side a second later. "They―The whole world knows, Pep. They have MJ's photo and it's just a matter of time before they have May's and your's and Happy's and―"


Michelle caught Peter's hands, stopping his wild gesturing. As if it had been pre-programmed into his brain, Peter slumped into her side and let out a deep breath.

"Pepper?" Michelle asked, turning a worried look in her direction. Peter's face stayed buried in her neck.

"It's bad," Pepper admitted with a grimace. "Fury and I were already working on releasing the footage, but this is―this is bad."

"What do we do?" Michelle whispered. Her arm around Peter tightened. "What can we do?"

Pepper sighed and shook her head. Running a hand through her hair, she said, "I don't know. Not yet, anyway. For now, you'll both stay here."

There was no arguing, but Pepper would have insisted no matter what. The security around Peter and Michelle's apartment was not enough anymore and it was important they stay out of the press's clutches.

"Happy is on his way with May," Pepper added before Peter could worry. "She'll stay here too. Until we know more, none of you leave this Tower, understood?"

Michelle and Peter nodded.

"I'm going to call Fury," Pepper said, more for Peter's benefit than a need to think out loud. "We will get this under control, alright, Peter?"

Peter nodded again, lifting his head from Michelle's neck.

"Thanks, Pep," he said wearily. "Again, I'm so sorry."

"It was bound to happen," Pepper told him gently. She gave his arm an encouraging squeeze then left to call Fury and find Peter a lawyer.

It was over half an hour before May, Happy, and Morgan arrived after Pepper disappeared. While Morgan―unaware of the situation and happily shouting Peter's name―came bursting out of the elevator, May and Happy followed, whispering furiously between each other.

Peter ignored their whispers in favor of catching Morgan in his arms.

"How are you, Mo?" Peter grinned.

"Aunt May says you were on the news!" she exclaimed.

Peter's smile tightened. "That's right, kiddo."

"Are you famous now?" Morgan asked excitedly. "Are you gonna be on TV more?"

"I sure hope not," Peter muttered. Michelle's hand skimmed across his back and they shared a look that, fortunately, went unnoticed by Morgan but not by Happy.

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