Chapter 7

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Ned's arrival meant that Peter could no longer push Beck from his mind. While playing Go Fish with Morgan and Michelle―a game that inevitably ended up with him and Morgan teaming up against Michelle in a victorious tickle fight―he'd been able to ignore the buzz around and below the Tower. When Ned came running out of the elevator, eyes wide and already talking a mile a minute, the temporary calm was lost.

"Ned, man, slow down." Peter got to his feet, untangling himself from the mess of limbs he, Michelle, and Morgan had dissolved into.

"Bro, this is crazy!" Ned exclaimed, waving his hands around his head. "I can't believe Beck would do something like this, you know? Like I know he was totally a bad guy and we probably should have seen it coming―"

"Ned, can I interest you in some water?" May grabbed Ned's shoulders and firmly ushered him into the kitchen, glancing over her shoulder to tell Peter, "This is Mr. Murdock, Pete."

Peter waved awkwardly at the man in front of him, realizing a moment too late that he was carrying a cane. As if sensing his attempt to wave, Mr. Murdock smiled at Peter.

"Hi, Mr. Murdock, sir," Peter said, stepping forward to shake his hand. "Peter."

"I've heard," Mr. Murdock said. Gesturing in the direction of the living room, he said, "How about we have a seat and talk?"

"Yeah." Peter nodded quickly. "Yeah, sure."

They walked into the living room where Michelle was gently pulling Morgan off of her. With Pepper's help, they took Morgan back down the hall to her room to play with Peter and May spoke with Mr. Murdock.

Whether it was fortunate or not, Mr. Murdock already knew everything about Peter's case. Pepper had clearly given him a thorough rundown of the situation, but it certainly wasn't a quiet affair either. As far as Peter could hear, every news station was buzzing with the story of Spider-Man's real identity and the murder of Quentin Beck.

"You have a chance," Mr. Murdock assured him. "Mrs. Stark informed me that your suit has records of all encounters with Mr. Beck. When the court demands a hearing―and they will―those files will be incredibly useful."

"So it's all going to be okay?" May asked. Her hand found Peter's and squeezed. "This will all blow over?"

Mr. Murdock pursed his lips.

"The world knows your identity now, Peter," he said kindly. "That will not change. However, we can clear your name from Mr. Beck's murder."

"It's something, at least," Peter murmured. "How long before things calm down?"

"That is the question," Mr. Murdock said with a grimace, "isn't it?"

Ned spoke with Mr. Murdock afterward, recounting everything he knew from the Europe trip as well as what he'd said to the police. While Ned was preoccupied with that, Peter slipped out onto the balcony and tucked himself into a hidden corner. It took mere minutes before May joined him.

"Hey, Peter," she said softly. She sat beside him, not quite in the corner, but far enough she was hidden from view like him. "What're you thinking about?"

Peter sighed. "A lot."

With a hum, May said, "Care to share? Maybe I can help smooth out that tangled mess of your brain."

Despite himself, Peter smiled.

He didn't look up at her, instead directing his attention to the ground where little bits of gravel stuck to his fingers when he pressed hard enough. It was a prickling sensation that he was not unfamiliar with and somehow, it helped ground him.

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