Chapter 9

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Peter had half a mind to call May before calling Shuri. It was only fair that she and Pepper learn what they were about to do, but something held him back.

May was likely to try and talk him out of it. Pepper would assure him that the Tower had enough security to protect them all. Between the two of them, they'd come up with a myriad of arguments for why he shouldn't go through with it. Shuri, however, would not. She'd do what he asked without arguing and even if she did think he was being stupid, she'd understand.

"I'm not deleting any of the videos I have of you," she said over the phone after he told her the plan, "just so you know. Only the internet ones."

"That's fine," Peter agreed, only to be struck with an immediate idea. "Actually, Shuri, can you send them to me?"

"You want copies of the videos I took specifically to embarrass you?" Shuri asked, a smile in her voice. Peter nodded and although she couldn't see him, she seemed to know. "Sure, spider boy. Incoming."

There was a few seconds of silence before a notification from Karen popped up on his screen:

New: file from Shur-take Mushrooms.

At Michelle's raised brow, Peter rolled his eyes. Fortunately, Shuri was speaking again before Michelle could comment on Peter's chosen name for the princess.

"I expect to be told immediately after," Shuri demanded, unaware of the snickers coming from Ned upon seeing Shuri's contact name. "Unless Strange wants to work out a loophole..."

"No," Strange cut in as she trailed off. "The spell is complicated enough as is. No loopholes."

"Fine," Shuri agreed. "No loopholes. But you better be prepared to answer a lot of questions after this, Parker."

He hadn't expected anything less. The first time they'd met, Shuri had kept him busy in her lab with hours of questions and tests. If he knew anything about her at all, it was that she'd do the same again when he reintroduced himself to her.

"You should also expect the Dora Milaje to be less than welcoming," Shuri added, making Peter grimace, "considering you'll be relatively forgotten."

Turning to Strange, Peter asked, "Are you sure you can't work in any loopholes?"

At the cold look Strange gave him in response, Peter nodded.

"Just thought I'd check."

"Can we just, like, get a rundown on how this all works again?" Ned asked, pulling Strange's attention away from Peter. "Like, we'll still have all our memories, right? Just without Spider-Man?"

Strange sighed again, something he'd done a lot since the moment Peter had stepped through the Sanctum doors, but re-explained the effects of the spell with Shuri listening over the phone.

In all honesty, it wasn't as bad as Peter had first expected. Spider-Man would be wiped from the memory of everyone on earth with the exception of Peter himself. Any events or memories involving Spider-Man would be forgotten, almost like a gap in time if they tried to pick too hard at the affected memory. All memories of Peter as himself, however, would remain.

"But I met Peter as Spider-Man," Shuri interrupted, earning an eye-roll from Strange that she couldn't see. "How does that work?"

"You won't remember meeting him," he replied.

"But I'll remember Peter?"



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