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▬▬▬ 没那么糟糕,

I was looking at myself in the mirror until someone knocked on the door.

"Hold up." I said, walking over to the door and opening it. It was Kusuo behind the door.

"K-kusuo." I stammered, looking away immediately.

'Uh, hey..' he moved his eyes to the side.

"Let me just.. get my backpack." I walked over to my bed and leaned over to get it. I quickly stood up straight and turned around to Kusuo who wasn't looking. "Uh- you okay?"


"Okay..." I whispered, closing my door and walked downstairs.

As we were walking to school, I glared at him.


My head was hurting after the dream.

No, it can't be...

but that's the only reason why my head was hurting.

It's a premonition.

My eyes enlarged and I silently gasped, grabbing Kusuo's attention.

'Hm?' he hummed and looked over at me, catching my frightened expression. I look up at him back.

"Nothing, nothing." I shook my head and moved my head back down, looking straight. Oh, God.

Kusuo peeked down at my hand and swallowed hard. I obviously took notice of his uneasy state. "You okay?"

'Me? Y-yeah.." he stuttered and cleared his throat.

Did he just stutter? It's just a stutter... not that deep, right?

I got out of my thoughts and felt something take my hand a little roughly. I quickly looked down and saw Kusuo's hand held onto mine.

"Your hands are sweaty... you sure you're feeling alright, Kusuo?"

'Yes, Y/n, I'm fine. Stop asking.'

𝙉𝙊𝙏 𝙎𝙊 𝘽𝘼𝘿  - 𝘒𝘜𝘚𝘜𝘖 𝘚𝘈𝘐𝘒𝘐 ❤︎︎Where stories live. Discover now