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⚠️Warning: there will be smut in this chapter. If you are not comfortable with that, please don't read this.

I've never written anything like this so um yeah😭. I deeply apologize if this is written terribly. </3

Now, you shall read, lovelies.


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▬▬▬ 没那么糟糕,

You sat there, shocked— not knowing how to respond. You were happy of course, but this made you speechless.

"I.." you trailed off, staring into his eyes that started to widen just a bit.

'I'll understand if you don't like me back, I-'

You cut him off my yanking the collar of his shirt and brushing your lips against his.

He of course was alarmed by the sudden action, but instantly melted into the kiss, running his hands through your hair.

The kiss began to become more heated by the second and Kusuo traced his fingers down your waist to your hips, bringing you closer to his body. Your chest now pressed against his.

The other psychic then pulled away, causing a long whine to escape your lips. He began to leave marks on your neck, though he made sure you would be able to hide them.

Your hands got tangled into his hair and you leaned your head back, enjoying the pleasure you were feeling.

He reached your collar bone, giving it a tiny lick which made you sharply inhale. Kusuo smirked and continued to exploit the area.

"K-ku-" you got interrupted by him pressing his index finger up against your lips, hushing you.

"Shhh. You have to be quiet, your mom is here, isn't she?" he whispered, giving your collar bone another kiss, sending pleasureful shivers down your spine.

"Yeah..." you sighed, gently biting your lip.

Kusuo shifted his head to look at you and raised his eyebrows, "..my parents aren't home."

You smiled and nodded your head happily, "Let's go to your room then."

Kusuo wrapped his arms around your waist and teleported into his room, the both of you softly landing onto his bed.

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