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▬▬▬ 没那么糟糕,

I've been thinking about my feelings for Kusuo nonstop.

Do I like him, or do I like him as a friend?

My God, I have never been so confused in my life.

I haven't liked anyone in years, I've kind of... forgotten how it feels to have feelings for somebody.

Ugh, this so so bothersome.

"What am I thinking?" I asked myself, falling onto the bed and stared at the ceiling.

'Yeah, what are you thinking?' I suddenly hear a voice say, making me instantly sit up from my position.

I glimpsed at my pile of pillows and saw Kusuo resting there, watching me.

"Kusuo!" I screamed, pulling the nearest cushion next to me and throwing it at him.

But he stopped it with his abilities and gradually let it fall on his lap.

"Why are you constantly in my business? It's not like it matters anyways." I huffed, crossing my arms and looking away from him.

He scooched closer to me and gently rested his hand on my thigh, 'But it does matter.'

I felt myself heat up and I began to sweat a bit. "What do you mean..?"

'Cause you're a weirdo.'

I huffed again and looked away, still looking down at his hand just a tiny bit. "Oh whatever." I whacked his hand and he moved it away from my thigh.

'Calm down.'

"You're telling me to calm down? You just insulted me." I raised one brow and stood up.

And not to mention... put your hand on my thigh.

'Where are you going?' he asked. He sounded like he wanted me to stay with him.

"Downstairs." I answered. "I need to stay away from you." I stepped out of my room, walking down the stairs. I was fighting the urge to not laugh.

'I know that's not true.' he proudly said, following me from behind.

"We should watch something." I suggested, getting onto Netflix on the tv.

'I thought you "needed to stay away" from me.' he crossed his arms.

"Oh, come on, I was joking. Did I hurt your feelings?" I teased. "You're fun to hangout with. Do you feel better now?"

He shook his head and grabbed the remote, clicking the movies section. 'Fine. What do you want to watch?' he grabbed the remote from my hands and looked at the movies section.

"I don't really care. How about you surprise me?" I smiled, sitting down onto the couch.

Kusuo sighed and chose f/m.

"Oh my god, I love this movie!" I squealed, sitting up straight and leaning a bit forward.

Kusuo just smiled and sat down next to me, grabbing one of the books he stole from my room that was on the nightstand and began to read it.

I looked over to Kusuo and saw my book in his hands. "Hey!"

'What?' he looked up at my upset face.

"We're supposed to watch it together." I told him, closing the book.

'Fine.' he put the book away and focused on the screen in front of us. He looked around a bit and suddenly asked, 'Where's your mom?'

"At work. She works late at night until morning on Monday's, Wednesday's, Friday's, and Sunday's." I answered.


I nodded and continued to watch, though my eyes started to feel heavy.

It was like 2 AM?

I laid my head back slightly, still looking at the tv.

I kept watching until everything turned black...


Y/n had ended up passing out, and due to Kusuo reading, he hasn't noticed.

Until he felt a small hit on his shoulder.

He flinched and looked at his shoulder, seeing Y/n's head resting on it.

He hummed, plopping the book down onto his lap and gazed at Y/n for a few seconds until she began to move.

He rapidly looked away and continued to read, but she wasn't awake, she just moved.

But now she was closer to him.

Kusuo shifted a bit, attempting to get off the sofa, but that resulted in Y/n dropping onto his chest.

Kusuo looked down at the sleeping girl and just stayed there.

He sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

'You're doing this on purpose.'

He looked back down at Y/n, watching her breathe slow.

She then draped her arms around his torso and hummed, squeezing him gently.

Kusuo's cheeks turned a faint hue of pink from her actions.

'God...' he cursed at himself and tried getting up until Y/n spoke.

"Don't move, just stay here.." she mumbled, hugging him tightly.

Kusuo froze and sighed, 'Fine, but can I at least get a pillow for my head?'

"Okay, here." she grabbed a pillow from behind her and handed it to Kusuo, which he quickly took and placed it on the armrest.

He laid his head down onto the soft pillow and Y/n slowly placed her head down onto Kusuo's chest, wrapping her arms around him once again.

'Wait, what about-'

"Shut it, Kusuo. We can use pyrokinesis."

'True.' he shrugged and fluttered his eyes shut, falling into a deep sleep along with Y/n.

𝙉𝙊𝙏 𝙎𝙊 𝘽𝘼𝘿  - 𝘒𝘜𝘚𝘜𝘖 𝘚𝘈𝘐𝘒𝘐 ❤︎︎Where stories live. Discover now