Club Meeting

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I open the door once I hear a knock, Zeke is who I'm greeted by. I step aside to let them in, "Nice place." Zeke says as he looks around, "Thank you. It's not fully finished yet, we just moved a week ago. Take a seat anywhere, I think I have some snacks in the kitchen if you guys want?" "Yeah definitely." Virgil says and plops down on my couch next to Charlie, Zeke sits across from them on the love seat.

"So all I have is my mom's bean dip and chips." I set them both down on the coffee table, "I love bean dip." Zeke says and begins to eat the dip. I sit next to Zeke and he looks at me as he eats the dip off his finger, I get a nervous feeling in my stomach, "So what's this project Charlie?" I deflect his glare. Charlie maps out his blueprints and Zeke begins to analyze it, "okay, this thing, this, uh quantum integration to the physical properties of light projection; looks like it could work." Zeke blurted out, his eyes bouncing off of all three of us, "Yeah; Mongo read." He said angrily.

"Okay, so you'll help us construct it?" Virgil asked. Zeke nodded, "Why not, I'm always up for a challenge—and free bean dip." He eats a mouthful of bean dip, Charlie leans forward, "You have a little...some bean..." He reached to wipe it off Zeke's face, Zeke quickly grabbed his wrist, "Do that again and I weld you to the crosstown bus." I swallow hard, Charlie does the same, "Sorry." Charlie says and sits back.

"Have you thought about how we are going to use this?" I blurted out, "Or even where? This is going to require a lot of space; to build and to use." Zeke added. "The first journey back will obviously be a monumental event, and our specific goal on that
journey should be appropriately grandiose." Charlie explained rolling up the blueprint. Virgil jumped up, "I got it! The lottery!" Zeke smiles, for the first time showing his teeth, his smile is so pretty, "Nice." He blurts out and high fives Virgil.

"No! No! Absolutely not that's cheating!" Charlie yells out, "I refuse to agree to that!" He adds, Virgil smirks, "Well you already did. You said that if I helped you, we'd use the machine for whatever I wanted to, NO do overs!" Charlie sighs, "Fine!"

"If you want me to build this we need to go somewhere where I can actually build this." Zeke mentions, "My dad's bike yard." "Can we go now?" Charlie asks excitedly, "Yeah sure. Uhh Sadie do you want a ride? Since you don't know where anything is yet." Zeke offers, I nod hiding the fact I'm nervous; he drives a motorcycle!

Virgil and Charlie get into Virgil's old red car and go on their way. Zeke hands me his helmet, "This will probably be big on you but you need it more than I." I gently grab his helmet, "But you need to be safe too and shield your face from bugs, right isn't that what this is for?" I gently tap the face shield, he chuckles softly, "I'll be okay, it's right down the road."

He gets on his bike and starts it up, I stand there, "Coming gorgeous?" He smirks at me, my face gets hot again and I smile back, "Yes." I put on his helmet and get on the back, holding his waist tightly. He speeds off and I almost faint.

We finally get there and he gently taps my hand, "You can let go now gorgeous." He softly says to me. I let go of my tight grip and take his helmet off, he puts his hand out, "Come on." He helps me off then takes his helmet and sets it on the seat of his bike.

We walk over to Virgil and Charlie waiting for us at the door. Zeke opens the door and lets me walk in first then himself, then the boys. Zeke takes off his jacket and hands it to me, "Can you hold this gorgeous?" I nod and take it gently. "Gorgeous?" Virgil asks sounding a bit annoyed, Zeke stands toe to toe with him, "Is that a problem?" Virgil backs off, "No, no no no! She is gorgeous." Zeke glares and begins grabbing parts, "Virgil don't you have a big creepy crush on Steph and Sa-" Virgil covers Charlie's mouth. Zeke and I ignore that.

Zeke is laying in the ground tightening a screw while Virgil and Charlie are playing some hand game. I've been sitting next to Zeke on the floor the whole time handing him each tool he needs while keeping his jacket safe in my lap. He's smiled up at me a few times and it gives me butterflies each time.

As Zeke finally finishes building the motor he sits up a little and says, "You also realize you can't plug this into a regular wall outlet, this is going to take major amperage. Along with the privacy and space." Charlie nods then gasps, "Room 77! I know the perfect place." Virgil and Zeke furrow their eyebrows, "Where's room 77?" They ask confused, "There use to be a part of school, where the football field is now, they built a fallout shelter back in 1950. The room is still there and you can get there through the cafeteria!" Charlie sounds ecstatic. "I'm down." Zeke says, I nod, "Me too." Zeke smiles wide at me, my face gets hot.

"Tomorrow, let's meet up by the main entrance, find Vice Principal Tolkan and tell him we want to start a club in room 77." Charlie states, we all look to each other and agree in union.

Zeke brings me home, this time I'm less scared. "Weren't so scared this time huh?" He looks at me as I get off his bike smirking, I smile and blush, "No, you're a good driver." I hand him his helmet back, he bites his lip softly as he smiles, "I know." "Oh you're so full of yourself!" I tease, he shrugs, "See you tomorrow?" I nervously cross my legs and put my hands behind my back while smiling, "Of course gorgeous." He taps my chin softly, "Bye Sadie." He puts his helmet on, "Bye Zeke." I smile and walk back inside.

As soon as I close the door I hear him speed off. He's so perfect.

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