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I'm in the library, looking for a history text book as I feel eyes staring at me. I look over towards the entrance and see three guys walk in, the tall one is staring, he's so hot.

He begins to walk over to me, he looks nervous, tears in his eyes it looks like, "Sadie, please read this." He hands me a note, I open it, it's my hand writing:

Hi Sadie, this is yourself. A lot of things just happened and you probably don't remember any of it, that's okay but what I want us to remember is Zeke. Zeke has been the nicest to you, showed you welding, calls us gorgeous after every sentence. Zeke Thompson is the love of your life and I need you to know that. Just so you know this is me actually writing to you which seems crazy, our handwriting is the same, you use to live in Florida. 662 24th ave remember? Who else would know that. Sadie McKayla Lukas, go find Zeke and give him the biggest hug and kiss, from me: us.

I smile at the fact he really gave me this note, I look up to Zeke, he has tears in his eyes, "Please, remember." He says softly, almost crying. "I remember, minute man." I whisper softly to him, he lights up and picks me up into a hug. "Sadie how do you remember?" He asks me quietly, I shrug.

Charlie walks over with Virgil, "Being that she has time traveled before she probably remembers everything up to that moment." Charlie informs us, "What do you remember?" Virgil asks me, "I remember us in the hallway after Derek tried to talk to me, you made up the name. It's a little blurry after that time travel wise but I remember everything else, homecoming, Zeke's fans." I glare, "I'm sorry, never again." He defends himself.

"What's todays date? It seems new." Charlie asks, I nod, "It's Monday, two days after the dance. No one remembers, I've already asked, Janette too." "So from Saturday to today, what happened?" I shake my head, "It felt like I went to sleep and woke up two days later. As soon as you guys jumped into the vortex everything went blank." I answer "This is so weird." Charlie walks away looking through the books, "I'm glad you remember." Virgil pats my back and goes back to talk to Stephanie.

"So are we okay?" Zeke holds my hands and sits us down in a big library chair, "I want us to be." I take his goggles off his neck, "I'm so sorry for even entertaining those stupid girls Sadie." He caresses my cheek, "Only you gorgeous." I hold his hand against my cheek, "One more chance Z." He nods, "I won't screw up again." He smiles wide, then I lean in and kiss him, "I love you, Zeke Thompson." I rest my forehead on his, he smiles and pulls away softly looking into my eyes, "I love you, Sadie Thompson."

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