Erin looked at her watch as she bounded down the stairwell, it was early and she wanted to be in her office going over a few things. She pushed open the front door of the building, stopping short and she slowly let the door close behind her, Holtzmann was standing at the bottom of the stairs, she held up one of the two cups that were in her hands, "Cappuccino."
Erin smiled, shaking her head, 

"What are you doing here?" Erin walked down the stairs slowly, stopping to face the blonde who handed Erin her coffee, and the Holtzmann walked up a couple of the steps, sitting down not far from the top, Erin turning, joining her. 


The blonde shrugged with a smile, "Did you have a good time last night?" 

Erin smiled, "Yeah I did actually, what about you?" 

Holtzmann nodded, "It was fun, definitely something we should all do more often."

Erin tapped her coffee cup, "How much do I owe you?" 

The engineer shook her head, "It's on me Gilbert. Just something to help you to start your day."

 Erin tapped the cup again, taking a sip,  "Thanks Holtz."

"It's a pretty cool place," Erin said, "the bar I mean. It has a good vibe."

"Yeah that's where we tend to go out, the owners are awesome and it's so close to us which is great."

"Gosh I haven't been out like that in ages." Erin sipped her coffee, it was a welcoming start to her day and she was enjoying her slow paced starts.

"No?" Holtzmann said, smiling, softly nudging Erin, "Well get used to it, we go pretty regularly."
Erin nodded, licking her lips, "I reckon I could get used to it."

They chatted quietly, Holtzmann discussing some of her ideas for the team and some of the prototypes she wanted to develop, Erin listening eagerly, hanging on Holtzmann's every word. Erin looked at the woman, excited for this new career and for the future nights out and she noticed the necklace hanging around Holtzmann's neck. She slowly reached her hand for it, touching the pendant gingerly. Holtzmann stared at Erin, feeling the warmth radiate from her hand against her skin and she looked down quickly, the heat feeling like a ray of sunshine against her neck.

"" Erin breathed with a chuckle.


"What does it mean? Screw the world?"

"Sometimes I think it's the world saying it to me."

Erin pulled her fingers back, the blonde looking away and she sensed Holtz didn't want to elaborate and she returned to sipping her coffee.

The blonde adjusted her feet, turning slightly to get up from the step, "Shall we?"
Erin nodded as they both stood up, walking the few blocks towards the firehouse, chatting along the way.

"So," Holtzmann said, pointing out the different parts and aspects of a proton pack she had put on her desk, "it's heavy but once you've got momentum it'll move with you. And don't be afraid of it either Erin, it's safe and it's pretty tough." 

Erin nodded, watching the blonde gush over her creation, Holtzmann's face lighting up every time Erin asked a question, Erin loving how passionate the engineer was about the science of it.

 "We can go have a test," Holtzmann said excitedly, "We've only used them a few times but I'd really like for you to try it out." 

Erin nodded as the blonde picked up the proton pack, her tiny frame nothing on her strength and she held it up to Erin as the brunette turned around, pulling it onto her shoulders, and snapping the fastenings closed at her chest and hips. She'd dressed casually again, with her black jeans and a long sleeved knit, her white sneakers on her feet and Holtzmann was dressed almost the same as the day before although Erin noticed her faded overalls had either been washed or she owned an identical pair. 

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