Holtzmann stirred, her fingers curling at Erin's half exposed stomach and she sighed, trailing her fingers along Erin's skin, watching as it pricked with goosebumps. Erin smiled, her eyes still closed and Jillian looked up at her, the brunette opening her eyes and grinning at the blonde.
"Good morning beautiful," Erin whispered, as Jillian pulled herself up onto her elbow, stroking Erin's face with her other hand, her fingers then grazing over Erin's shirt and back to her stomach. Erin grinned, her hand finding Holtzmann's face and she cupped her cheek, pulling her down to kiss her. Jillian moaned as she kissed Erin, sliding her body slowly over Erin, her left leg slipping between Erin's and the physicists hands tangled in the engineer's blonde locks, pins still holding up half her hair. Erin breathed in deep, parting briefly from Jillian and then arching her body up into her, their lips finding each other's, tongues dancing and Jillian tugged at Erin's bottom lip with her teeth.
The sun was streaming in and the room was amber-lit in its rays, and Erin moaned into Holztmann's kiss, and she ran her fingers down the blonde's half exposed back, her crop still on and Erin ran her fingernails over the bare skin. Holtzmann nuzzled into Erin's neck, the brunette letting out small whimpers as Holtzmann ran her hands down her sides, grazing over the sides of her breasts still hidden by her t shirt. She travelled her lips down Erin's neck and Erin closed her eyes, feeling Holtz's leg push against her as her lips travelled further down, and Holtzmann pushed up Erin's tee, planting small kisses over her chest, pausing to lick her nipples softly. Erin opened her eyes, looking down to watch Holtz, the woman looking back to her, and sliding back up, kissing her softly.
"This okay Er?"
Erin nodded, "Mmhmm, yeah."
Holtzmann returned to her neck, planting small delicate kissed and Erin exhaled, trembling as she played with Holtzmann's hair, wondering if this is what it felt like for other people because it just couldn't be and it felt like two worlds had collided and created a new one and Erin lay in Holtzmann's safe arms watching as the blonde slowly rose to her knees, pulling off her crop top, and she reached out to Erin to sit up, slowly taking her tee off. Erin blushed, looking at Jillian and knowing Jill was looking at her.
"You're so beautiful Erin," Jillian breathed, leaning into her, pulling her close and kissing her, pushing down into her as Erin lay back on the sheets, her own hands exploring Jillian's body as Holtzmann continued to kiss her, her lips again finding her neck and Erin let out a small moan, and she gasped feeling Holtzmann trail her lips down between her breasts, over her stomach to her shorts, looping her thumbs at each slide, tugging at them softly and Erin arched her hips, as Holtzmann slipped them off.
"Your body is incredible," Jillian whispered, her lips finding Erin's again, their tongues and lips a mess of kisses as Erin pushed her body against Holtzmann's letting herself lose control as she slid her hand to Jillian's underwear, pulling at them as Jill chuckled, sliding herself out of them. Their lips returned to each other and Holtzmann pushed her body against Erin's, her fingers sliding between Erin's legs and they slid against her wetness. Holtzmann broke away from their kiss, smiling at Erin, the brunette moaning softly as the blonde's fingers explored deeper and Erin closed her eyes, panting softly. Holtz pulled her body away a little, looking down at Erin as she arched her hips and Jillian smiled, enjoyed the view.
Erin opened her eyes, looking at Jillian as the woman slid her fingers deeper into her and and she exhaled softly, letting her body relax into Jillian's push and she sat up on her elbows a little pushing her body into Jillian's fingers and she threw her head back, moaning as Jillian rose up on her knees, pushing hard into Erin as her lips found her neck again and she bit and sucked at the skin.
"Jill," moaned Erin as Jillian pushed in with her fingers and sucked hard with her mouth.
"I like.."
"There huh."
Jillian slipped her legs between one of Erin's, pushing her own wetness down on Erin's thigh, the brunette arching her back and lifting her leg a little, pushing it up between Jillian's. Erin moaned as Jillian hastened her fingers inside her, curling them and pushing them hard and fast and Erin cried out a little, clenching on Jillian's fingers and she knew she was close.
"Jill," she moaned as the blonde found her mouth again and they kissed desperately as Holtz pushed her fingers in deep and hard, Erin lifting the leg that wasn't trapped between Jillian's and  her back arched and she cried out again pulling away from the blonde's mouth and Jillian felt her girlfriend's wetness increase and her body jolted for a moment and then settled back to the mattress.
"Jill," Erin repeated as she closed her eyes softly, opening them to look at the beauty above her, "Jill, that was.." Holtzmann smiled, laying small kisses in her lips, "I want to do so much more to you Er," the blonde whispered, nuzzling into her neck. Erin giggled softly, pulling Holtzmann down and into her, planting kisses to her hair.
"Show me Jill, all of it."
Holtzmann rolled into Erin's arms, resting her head on her bare chest and her arm wrapping around her middle, and Erin pulled the sheets over them snuggling into Holtz, and closing her eyes.

They woke a couple of hours later, the sun was still high and it was probably coming up to midday. They could hear voices downstairs, Patty, Abby and Kevin were laughing and Erin turned to Holtz.
"We should probably get up."
Holtz nodded, pulling Erin in closer to her and deeply kissing her, "Can we go back to bed after though?"
Erin chuckled, "Yeah coz it's my turn next." Jillian shook her head, licking her lips and she kissed Erin again and they both laughed softly.
"I need a shower first," Holtzmann said, sitting up, Erin watching as the sun gleamed off her golden curls and she reached her hand up to touch her back, stroking her fingers gently down it. Holtz's skin was perfect, a creamy white with no marks or moles and and she was soft, and Erin loved the way her skin felt cool to her fingers as she caressed it.
"We need a shower," Erin stated, sitting up, Holtzmann climbing out of bed, pulling Erin up with her, their bodies crashing against each other as Holtzmann pulled Erin into her, and they kissed hard, Erin trailing her fingers down her back, digging her nails in as she tried to pull her closer, leaving crescent marks in Holtzmann's skin as the blonde bit into Erin's lip, tugging it softly.
"Get in the shower," Erin said, as she continued to kiss Holtzmann and they walked towards the bathroom, their feet padding across the floor and their naked bodies constantly touching the others' and Erin pushed the bathroom door open. The brunette pulled the shower curtain across, and turned on the tap, she pulled Holtzmann into her and turned her pushing her into the bathroom wall, sliding her hand down her front, she looked up, meeting Holtz's eyes,
"Tell me what you like."
"You, I like you," Holtz replied, stepping away from her and into the shower. Erin chasing her with kisses as she stepped in too, Holtzmann pulling Erin under the water with her, as Erin pushed Holztmann against the cool tiled walls.

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