The two woman jogged down the stairs, Erin reaching out for Jillian as they took the final step, pulling the younger woman into her, slipping her arm around her.
"You two look like you've been having fun," Abby said, sipping her coffee, she was perched on a stool at the kitchen bench. Patty walked over to them, she had been chatting with Kevin at his desk, "Looks like you have some hives on that pretty neck of yours Holtzy," she said with a grin, as the blonde blushed. Erin turned bright red, looking at Holtzmann, and mouthing sorry.

The four women spent the better part of the day preparing for their meeting with the mayor, it was scheduled for that afternoon and Erin was nervous, this was going to be the first official event she was going to be included in. As they finalised their paperwork they all headed to the Ecto, Holtzmann zipping up her biker jacket up her neck to cover her bruises.

The Ghostbusters sat in the Mayor's office, Abby taking control and discussing their past busts and their plans for new tools for anything potentially more threatening than what they'd already battled. Holtzmann then addressed their equipment budget request, Erin in awe of how Jillian made an extremely convincing speech on the need for the what if's and wanting to upgrade the Ecto.
"Plus," said the blonde, "we now have a physicist on board and her knowledge and credentials are superb, meaning we can develop our prototypes faster." Erin blushed as Jillian looked at her, winking.
The Mayor asked multiple questions, all of which the women were able to provide answers for and their proposal suitably impressed the man, and he agreed to sign off on their requests, and he shook hands with all the ladies, thanking them again for their service.

"High five, high five, highfivehighfive," Jillian said, running on the spot as they returned to the car, Abby giggling and holding out her hands to the blonde. Holtzmann smacked her hands to Abby's clasping their fingers together and started jumping. Erin shook her head, laughing and joining in with the dance, Patty doing the same, slapping a high five with Erin. The women danced with excitement, Holtzman pulling away from Abby and grabbing Erin in her arms, planting quick kisses to her cheek as Abby and Patty hugged.
"Okay, okay okayokayokayokay," Jillian said, holding up her hands for silence, the others almost laugh-crying at her excitement. Holtzmann leaned against the Ecto, planting a kiss on the roof, "We're gonna take you up a notch baby." Erin spluttered with laughter, Abby chuckling and Patty shaking her head, she too laughing.
"But first," Holtzmann said, taking a breath, "We're going to go home, drop the Ecto off and then head to the bar!!!"
"Mmmhmmm uhhuh,"Patty said, nodding her head, "That be what we're doin'"
Abby creased her brow, "You know what, yeah. I'm going to get drunk."
"I think it's going to be a good night," said Erin with a smile, "Oh but hey," Erin suddenly asked, "what happens if we have a bust?"
"Babe, we pray that we do not."
They all started laughing, and climbed into the Ecto.

They headed down to their local bar chatting excitedly on the walk and then inside as they settled in a booth. Jillian pulling Erin into her as they sat, kissing her gently.
"You two better not spend the night making out in this booth," Patty said with an eye roll, "I mean thank the gods you finally sorted your shit out, but man." Abby burst out laughing and Erin looked Patty straight in the eye, pushing her lips to Holtzmann's. Patty banged her hands on the table laughing, shaking her head, "Drinks it is."
The woman stood up and galloped to the bar, returning moments later with a tray of eight shots.
"Shots Patty?" Jillian said, her arm around Erin's shoulder and she leaned in to the table, pulling her arm away from Erin and rubbing her palms together.
"Oh no honey, no, these are for Patty baby, these are Patty's shots."
Abby burst out laughing, reaching for two glasses on the tray, shotting them back in quick succession. Erin put her hand to her face,
"Oh god Abby," Erin shook her head.
Patty laughed, handing out two shots to the others, and they all followed Abby's lead, Holtzmann coughing after her second,
"They burn Patty Cakes," and she coughed again.

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