The next morning Erin woke feeling refreshed and eager for the day. She jumped out of bed, and looked at her watch, she had about half an hour before Holtzmann usually turned up at the apartments and she was keen to see her. The brunette quickly pulled on some clothes and brushed her teeth, she added a little make up to her face and tousled her hair a little, and she grabbed her phone and keys, stuffing them into her jacket pocket as she closed the door behind her.

As Erin pushed the front of the building's door open she felt her heart sink as she didn't spy her blonde coffee delivery waiting at the bottom of the steps, but chuckled as she saw that she was already sitting on the stairs. Holtzmann's back was to her and as she took the first step Holtzmann held out her hand, coffee cup being held up and Erin laughed taking the cup and sitting down next to Holtz, the blonde turning to her with a smile. 

"What if that hadn't been me?" Erin said with a grin. 

"Well then you wouldn't have a coffee this morning." Erin laughed as she brought the steaming cup to her mouth, savouring the smell.

"Plus," Holtzmann said, "I'm convinced you're the only one that lives here, no one else has ever come out."

Erin chuckled.

"What are we gonna do when it rains?" Erin asked, looking up to the morning sun, its rays biting through the iciness of the morning. Erin pulled her jacked around her tighter, looking over at Holtzmann, she had her signature overalls on, with just a crop top underneath, her pale skin exposed and Erin gazed her eyes over it, knowing it would be soft to touch. 

"We'll worry about that hurdle when we get to it Er," Holtzmann replied, leaning back into the step. 

"Aren't you cold?" Erin asked, pointing to the blonde's exposed sides. 

Holtzmann looked down to her body, tilting, and then shook her head, "Erin I've had that many accidents in the lab that I probably have radiation in my veins." 

Erin clenched her teeth and looked at Holtz, meeting the blonde's serious eyes as her face scrunched a little and she laughed.

The pair worked together for most of the day, Holtz showing Erin some new blueprints for a proton gun she wanted to develop and they both excitedly discussed options and materials, with Holtzmann already online trying to source the components she needed.
Abby popped her head in early in the afternoon, "Still good for dinner tonight Erin?" Erin looked up from Holtzmann's desk, the two were now creating a 3D image and Erin nodded towards Abby. Erin had grown close to the women and the four fitted in well together, they always had something to talk about and were always happy to go out as a team and socialise. Erin was in a happy place, and glad she had said yes to Abby. She and Holtzmann had grown closest, their morning coffees had given them a chance to get to know each other better and there was a special type of comfort between the two, mainly toward each other.

"Enjoy dinner Er," Holtzmann said as she started to clear her desk. 

Erin pulled her jacket on, flicking her hair out of its collar, "You want to join us Jill?" 

The engineer shook her head as she continued with her tidying, "Nah, I might be busy tonight myself. I'll see you in the morning though?" 

Erin smiled, wanting to tell her co-worker she didn't need to always bring her a coffee in the morning, but at the same time she woke up looking forward to seeing Holtzmann standing there, and she loved their chats more than anything. Abby called Erin's name from downstairs and Holtz gave her a little wave as Erin trotted down the stairs, her best friend waiting.

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