Erin threw on some jeans, grabbing her favourite striped button up shirt and tucking it into her waist. It was going to be a chilly day so she collected her jacket that was hanging by the front door and quickly stuffed her phone into her back pocket, picking up her keys she ran out of her apartment, letting the door slam behind her.

"Good morning Miss Gilbert," Holtzmann said, as Erin sauntered down the front steps, the blonde handing her a cappuccino and Erin curtsied. 

"Good morning Miss Holtzmann."

Holtz snorted, shaking her head and sitting down on the step, Erin doing the same, both sipping their coffee, the morning already icy.

"I called that girl," Holtzmann said.

"Oh, you're seeing her?" Erin said excitedly.

Holtzmann nodded, "Yeah hopefully tonight."

Erin nodded into her drink.

"Are you going to call Phil?"

Erin shook her head, "I don't think so."

Holtzmann nodded, "Can I ask why?"

Erin shrugged, "I don't know Jill. He's just not.." 

"He's just not for you?"

"Yeah," Erin turned to Holtzmann, "you know when you just know?"

Holtzmann nodded, "Oh yeah," Holtzmann chuckled, "I know. And I won't ask about him again, mmkay?"

Erin nodded with a smile, "You gonna go for dinner or something?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"I'm really happy for you Jill."

"Yeah. A proper date, just a date."

"Yeah, it's gonna be amazing, and I'm sure there will be a second date."

Holtzmann sniggered into her drink.

Erin laughed, leaning into Holtzmann, "and a third and a fourth and a," she paused, smiling as she watched Holtzmann's eyes sparkle.

They walked together to the firehouse, still discussing their disastrous previous relationships and Holtzmann chatted about potential date options for the night.

The four of them spent most of the day together at the kitchen table, working on new ideas and discussing what they wanted to bring up at the next meeting with the Mayor.
"Usually we just speak about where we're at, what we want to develop and also budgets and funding," Patty said, showing Erin some of the notes from prior meetings.

"We usually just draw up a proposal prior," Abby said, "makes things easier and clearer for them.

Holztmann laughed, commenting on the Mayor, "He ain't the sharpest tool in the box Er."

Erin nodded and they spent the afternoon brainstorming their ideas and Holtzmann presented her budget for developing new equipment.

"That's a lot of cash Holtzy," Abby stated.

"Actually I'm priceless but I needed to put some sort of figure on it.

Abby laughed, the others joining in.

After they finished Erin returned to her desk upstairs, Holtzmann joining her a short time later to clean up.

"I'll see you tomorrow then?" Holtzmann said, chewing her lip. Erin nodded eagerly, smiling brightly at her co-worker.

"Have a really good time tonight Jillian."

"Thanks for being excited about tonight with me." Holtzmann reached her hand out to Erin's and the brunette took it in hers, giving it a little squeeze.

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