2021 the wall

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Its been six years since my brothers death I was taken in by a man named Trevor he found me wandering back to my camp and said I should come with him. The rest of what is left of the human race was piled into this place surrounded by a wall to keep the diseased out. There are a few people who believe that there are more humans out there in the world and those people stay outside the wall who are mainly the bandits and gangs from before the wall there are called different things to different people they are the survivors, to the authorities they are 'the problem'  because they try and get into our camp to steal what we have and they try and kill some of our patrollers, to anyone else they are the outsiders. but to me they are my chance I've always wanted out of here I hate being imprisoned and I hate having to show my ID and get searched for weapons every time I want to go to a different sector of of the compound. I don't do that anymore not since Oscar my best friend died they say he was on patrols and one of the outsiders got him and pulled him down and then diseased got him, I wanted to go out and find him so he wouldn't have to be one of those things so he wouldn't have to suffer. But they wouldn't let me so I went out by myself and thats when I saw them, the outsiders they knew how to survive out there and I wanted out. Oscar and I used to talk about getting out we both wanted to be free we had this plan and everything thats why Oscar was on patrols, He died for our freedom and I'm not letting that stop me.

So here I am hiding with my bow my my side and my backpack on my back waiting for the patrols to end so I can sneak out and find a group of outsiders...if there are any left that is I wait for the last man to step down off the wall and I make sure no one is looking and everyone is gone and then I bolt I run to the small ladder and climb I get on top of the wall and jump I land straight on my feet and I run there are no infected around here so I bolt into the woods and I don't look back

The thing about coming out at night is that it is more dangerous, there is more of the diseased at night and if they see you they chase you down until you lose them or they catch up to you. I had been running as fast as I could to get away from the wall and I caught the attention of a few diseased and they came after me I managed to kill them before they got me and I managed to find a place where there weren't many of them.

So here I am eating the rabbit I caught sitting by my fire when I heard the bushes rustle and branches snap I stood up immediately and loaded my bow.Looking around me I saw a dark figure come out of the trees and I pointed my bow at it, it took a step closer "Thats far enough" I said and then I saw the face of a guy a little older than me he had a gun and it was raised and pointed at me he took another step "I said thats far enough unless you want me to put this arrow right between your eyes."   "Oooh you're a feisty one aren't ya" he said I was getting annoyed at this guy "Who are you?" I asked but he didn't respond "WHO ARE YOU" i shouted and then some older guy came from out from the forest "Caleb what are you doing" he had a  strong southern accent and then he turned and saw me I pointed my bow at him "You! who are you? tell me or I let my arrow fly" he put down his gun "Caleb lower your weapon" he said not taking his eyes off me "Fred I.." he started but Fred cut him off "Do it now" and caleb lowered his gun. "Now no one needs to get hurt here, we have a camp we can take you back you don't have to be alone anymore" Said Fred and I slowly lowered my bow and Fred nods towards the forest and Caleb starts walking Fred waits for me to follow caleb so I do and then he goes behind me and we all walk to the camp

"How long have you been out here" Fread asks "A few hours" I answer and the both stop "what do you mean, a few hours" Caleb asks "I came from inside the wall" I answer and Fred covers his face with his hands but Caleb pushes me back "you're an insider" he pushes me again but I grab his arms and it looks like we are gonna get into a fight when Fred stops us "hey hey stop" he says pulling caleb back "What! what are we gonna do Fred are we just gonna take an insider in! she is a murderer her people have killed ours!" he shouts "Caleb-" "NO Fred she is bad news her people killed Beth and Maria are you gonna let her in" "She is a kid caleb!" this is where I interrupt "I'm nineteen I'm not a kid and its your people you killed ours! Your the problem! I don't know who you are but I'm not going with the people who killed my best friend, my brother so you don't need to worry about me 'cos I'm not coming with you" I say and I start walking away  but I over hear fread talking "Caleb what if she was the girl Oscar keeps telling us to look for when we are hunting he said she was good with a bow" this made me stop in my tracks Oscar?

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