Everything won't be okay

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It went on for about a year our parents had died in the first days or so and it was just me and my brother we were alone fighting off we now call the diseased and gangs who will kill you for your stuff and the pain of rejecting other people supplies because we have so little we need all we have. I remember there was a little girl we gave food because she was so little she tried to steal more food from another gang and we saw her get shot but this is normal now and it has been for a year. I am walking through the destroyed city with my brother we are heading back to our camp in an abandoned house I look up and see the grass building its not really made of grass but its a skyscraper that fell and is now leaning against another building and grass and other plants have grown on the outside and inside of it. I laugh at a joke my brother made there are only a few things to laugh at now. "It will start getting dark soon you wanna take the shortcut" Delson asks the shortcut involves going through the grass building I hate going through there because thats where most of the gangs hang out but I know its the only way back that will get us home quick enough so I nod we run up and Delson attaches a thick rope to one of my arrows this makes it a little hard to shoot but I've been doing this for so long it is easy now I point my bow up and fire the arrow sticks in one of the shrubby plants near a window I pull on the rope to make sure its steady then I begin to climb up I help Delson after me then pull the arrow of the wall and take the rope of. I put the arrow back and Delson takes the rope. I open the door on the other side of the room and stop and duck down. I can hear voices I turn to delson and put my finger to my lips and nod my head towards where the sound is coming from. He looks up from the desk we are hiding behind for a second then nods I know what we have to do, I slowly take an arrow and place it in my bow ready to be shot, Delson takes out his gun I stand up quickly and aim my arrow and let it fly. It finds its place in some gang members chest just around where their heart is. I can hear gunshots and i know delson is firing at other people I load my bow again and again firing and firing until there is no one left. Or so I thought. I go around getting my arrows back I can't leave any behind because we are so low on ammo. Delson opens the door that leads out to the balcony where we can jump of without seriously hurting ourselves but as we are going to a few more gang members come out of a room and fire at us I try and fight back as much as I can but one of their bullets fires into my shoulder causing me to stumble back and I fall off the balcony. I land on the hard cold ground with a thump it hurts especially in my shoulder.

I can hear creaking and I look up to see the balcony breaking away from the building my brother on it. I scream his name and try and get up but when I do I feel faint and black out, I wake up and look around I see delson lying on the ground one of the bars from the balcony is piercing his stomach. When I reach him he looks so pale but still breathing "come on we have to go" I say and I try and lift him off of the pole, it hurts my shoulder, this causes both of us to scream in pain "just go" he says and he looks at me one more time. That was the last thing he ever said.

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