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I was woken up by the sound of a voice early the next morning "Get up time for training." It was Jacob I sighed and got up he still stood in the doorway I grabbed my clothes and walked up to him "where you going?" he asks "the bathroom, move" I say trying to go past but he blocks me "Not if you're gonna have that attitude" he says smirking, I roll my eyes "please?" I say "there you go" he says and he moves out of my way "Oscar and I will meet you at the horse field in fifteen minutes" he says "I thought you weren't gonna train me and you would leave that to oscar" I said "someone has to check if your being good or not" he says walking away. I hate that jackass. After I'm dressed I walk out to the yard to meet with Oscar and Jacob when I get nearer to the horse field I can hear voices "If you can train them you can have them. thats the deal with our hunting dogs and the horses so why can't raven have them she'll need them if she's going to come on hunts and runs" it's Oscar probably talking to Jacob "Yeah like she is going to train daithi and storm" the voice sounds like caleb's. I walk around the corner "talking about me are you?" I say and I stand next to Oscar "You think you can train them do you?" says caleb "Yeah so what" caleb just scoffs and rolls his eyes "let her try caleb" says Jacob walking up us. He hands me a rope for storm and I jump over the fence and slowly approach him, his ears go back and he looks at me curiously "hey boy shh shh its okay, I'm not going to hurt you" I say taking small steps towards him when I do he takes a few steps back. "see" I hear caleb say I then get an idea and I hide the rope behind my back and take a slice of apple I took from breakfast out of my pockets and hold my hand out "hey look what I've got" I say and Storm comes closer and sniffs my hand "thats it good boy" I say and while he is busy eating the apple I slip the lead rope over his neck and put the head collar on him. I turn around and see Jacob and Oscar smiling Caleb is standing there open mouthed "Looks like you were wrong caleb" I say and I walk with storm up to the gate after we get the horses tacked up I walk with Jacob,Oscar and the horses down to the main gate where we mounted and two people opened the gates

"stay safe" says wendy to Jacob "I will Ma" I'm guess he is her son then "you alright there kid?" asks Jacob when the gates are opened "I know how to ride and I'm not a kid" I say and I set off in a canter behind Oscar

Once we reached an empty shopping mall we found an empty truck and tied the horses in there so infected or other people wouldn't find them and we headed to the door "Okay so you've been on supply runs by yourself before right?" asks Jacob and I nod "Okay then you know what to do so go a head and we will follow" he says and I open the door and bang my torch against the metal door I can hear a few of them but they don't come to us like they usually do so I bang my torch again they get louder this time but still don't come "they're stuck behind something" I say and Jacob nods and we walk in I shine my torch around for a bit then I see them crowded into a different room with a shelf pressed up against the door and I nudge Oscar and nod my head towards it "oh.. we should be fine" so we go about collecting supplies. I open a door at the end of the room and I walk out into a food court of the mall were in "Hey guys this place is full of stuff we can use!" I say "What do you mean?"asks Jacob coming and joining me in the food court "well theres food and water here there must be a pharmacy somewhere and then we could find a department store somewhere we could get clean clothes, Look I say we start here and then make our way around" Jacob looks to Oscar "sure sounds good" he says and he looks back at Jacob "yeah okay" so we clear out what we can of the few stores open in the food court then we go up to the second level and look around after a while of walking around and killing infected we find a pharmacy and grab a few pills like pain killers and things, insulin for the diabetic at the camp I walk over to the feminine hygiene section "looking for something" says Jacob behind me I turn around he has that stupid ass smirk on his face. "We have girls back at the camp the world maybe falling apart but girls still have needs" I say grabbing a few things and shoving them in my bag.

Before Jacob can say anything else we hear a load of crashing and oscar sounds like he is struggling I run up and see the are two infected trying to get at him I jump over the counter and stab them both in the head with my knife. "You okay?" I ask oscar who is panting "Yeah I guess they didn't get me so thanks" I nod "alright come on" I say and we walk out of the pharmacy. I find a clothing store and search around, I find a dark green t-shirt,black skinny jeans, brown combat boots and a black hoodie I tuck my t-shirt behind my gun and grab my bag. "Well you look less like a little girl anymore" says Jacob when I meet them by the exit they're in new clothes as well. I roll my eyes at him but Jacob smirks and walks out with two duffel bags filled with supplies Oscar and I walk together to the horses "you know he's right you look badass" Oscar says I look at him and laugh "shut up" I say hitting him on the arm "you don't look half bad yourself" I say and Oscar just smirks. I look up at him because he is 6'4 and I'm only 5'3 he always used to tease me and call me a midget he looks at me "what" he says "nothing just remembering how you used to tease me about being smaller than you" I say and he smiles "well you are" "only because you're a giant" I say

I mount my horse and just as we are heading back to the camp I hear scream "what was that" says Oscar " someone screaming. We should go help" I say and Jacob keeps on going "hey! I said we should go help" I shout "we can't, just leave them" he says I hear the scream again "someone help me" "Asshole" I say and I gallop off in the direction the screams came from "RAVEN!" I hear Oscar shout but I don't turn around I keep follow the sound of the screams and I come across a camp of people. Infected have gotten to them and they are eating some people on the ground others are being attacked, thats when I see her, there is a little girl standing on top of this campervan a few infected are surrounding it trying to get at her. I kick my horse into a canter, I take an arrow and load my bow and fire at them still riding my horse I continue to fire then I stop my horse and fire my gun in the air "Hey shitheads" the infected turn their attention to me "YEAH YOU COME ON COME AND GET ME" they slowly start walking towards me "You up there! stay there I'm gonna back for you okay" I say looking at the girl backing my horse up as they come closer "NO DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!" she shouts "I promise I will come back for you, just stay there I promise" I say and I start cantering in away and the infected follow me I run into the forest and I find a clearing the infected are little bit behind me so I take my matches out and light three and then throw them onto the ground the leaves take a bit but they do catch fire and by the time the Infected have caught up to me the fire distracts them and I canter back to the girl. When I reach her she has gotten off of the campervan and she is sitting next to one of the dead bodies tears are running down her face I dismount and walk up to her "I'm sorry" I say "you came back" she says "I promised you I wasn't going to leave you" I said sitting next to her. "my mom" she says I look at the body. Her mother has been practically torn apart "are you okay did they get you?" I say because I don't want to ask her about her mother "No I'm okay" she says and her mother starts to twitch I stand up "step back" I say "No its okay I'll do it" she says and her mothers eyes open they are completely black. The girl takes a gun from her pocket and shoots her mother in the head I try to see the pain she must be feeling but her face is completely emotionless just silent tears running down her face, I way I was when I was out there by myself after my brother had been killed "How long have you been out here?" I ask "from the start" she says "You've been out here for six years.. how old are you? what's your name?" "Hailey and I'm ten" she replies "We have a camp Hailey you can come and be safe there" she looks at me "really" I nod and she agrees to come back.

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