Just gone..

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I was about twelve when it all happened the whole world was just... gone... My name is Raven and I am the girl with the bow and arrows. There are three types of people in this world, those who stay inside the wall, those who stay outside and survive and the diseased who kill every breathing thing because that is the way there mind works. I am none of them I do not want to survive I want to live but I do not want to be imprisoned. So I should probably start my story from the beginning.


"Why are you still up" I look up from the zombie movie I'm watching and see Delson my older idiot brother who's babysitting me because our parents are at some party. "Oh no its like 9:30 oh god its soooo late" I say as sarcastically and dramatically as I can. Delson rolls his eyes and sits next to me "more zombie movies, really Raven" he says like I'm six "Hey I know for a fact that you love these movies so don't deny it" I say punching him on the arm.

"Do you think we can go hunting tomorrow?"I ask, Delson taught me how to use a bow and arrow a few years ago and we we always go up into the woods and hunt for deer and rabbit "Yeah maybe" he says about half way through the movie I get pretty tired and I fall asleep pretty quickly I wake up a few hours later at about 1:30am and I'm still on the couch Delson isn't around and the TV is still on buts its not on the movie we were watching its a news report I stare at the screen and listen "There has been a gas leak at the local reactor" says a news lady we have a power station thing they work with nuclear stuff there its in the city which is not far from here "they are trying to get everyone out but there have already been reports of six dead" she says and suddenly from the background where the news reporter there is an explosion and I hear it out the window too I look out and see fire and smoke rising from where the plant would be "Delson! where are you?" I shout no answer "Mom? Dad?" I shout again my shouts are met with silence this is spooky where are they I walk into the kitchen and see the back door is open I can hear screams from somewhere. what's going on? I walk out into the night and see Delson outside he is running from something he runs inside the house and I see what's chasing him its one of our neighbors but his skin is red and it looks like its been scratched off like something has been clawing at him his eyes are dark and he doesn't look human he attacks Delson and I stand there wide eyed as he tries to keep him off I can tell that whatever he is he will kill Delson "RAVEN" delson shouts and I pick up a knife from the counter and throw it at the head of the thing he lets out a rough screech and goes down a pool of dark red-ish brown liquid surrounds his head "what did I just do?" I say quietly. "What did I just do! I just killed someone!" Delson turns around and puts his hands on my shoulders "Raven look at me. He was not human whatever happened to him he was already dead okay?" I nod "what's going on" I ask " I don't know I think it has something to do with the explosion and we need to leave go upstairs and pack your backpack with stuff not much just clothes and a few things you want to take okay be quick" he says and we both run upstairs and pack clothes I grab my backpack

and stuff it with clothes I grab my hoodie and put it on over my top. I realize there is no room for any personal belongs in my bag so I grab my small shoulder bag and put in my sketchbook, my lucky cat a pencil case,a small wooden turtle I have since I was a baby, a photo of me,Delson, Mom and Dad, my phone (with my headphones) . Delson was already down stairs and he was putting his backpack and two sleeping bags onto the car he honked the horn "come on lets go half the city is already leaving" he shouts and I run down stairs and as Delson throws my bag in the back I remember something. My bow and arrows I run back inside "Raven?" Delson shouts but I don't look back I run into the kitchen and as I run past a grab a the six knifes we keep in a knife board on the counter and I run into the garage I grab my bow and my arrow bag that has 25 arrows I grab my father pistol and the pen knife of the workbench I feel like we will need weapons I run back to Delson and has soon as I get in he drives off there are buildings on fire and people running everywhere some of them are alive some of them are those creatures I grab my shoulder bag and put three knifes and the penknife in the one of the pockets and I put the other three knifes and the gun in my brothers backpack "you were smart to back and grab weapons I think were gonna need them" says Delson he swerves around people who are running and we head in the opposite direction to everyone else I don't realize what's he is doing until I look back and see the crowd of cars trying to get away by going the over the bridge we go the other way and a few hours later we are out and away from the city I used to call home. I don't where we are going but all I know is we are probably never coming back here.

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