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When I get back to the guys Jacob has this look on his face that says "I am done with you" then he looks at Hailey "who is that" he says "Her name is Haley she is coming back with us" I say and I keep walking past him "who said" "I did" I say and Oscar follows me "what if she is dangerous" argues Jacob" "she is only ten for godsake cut the girl some slack" I say and I turn to Hailey "ignore him he is an asshole" I say and she nods and we all head back to camp. Jacob grabs my arm "can we talk about the girl" he says and I turn to look at Hailey "Go with Oscar" I say to her and she follows oscar to the cell block "she can't stay here for long" he says when they have left "why not" "she can't contribute" he says "can't contribute my ass" I say rolling my eyes "I thought you took people in that you helped them" "we recruit soldiers" says Jacob and he starts walking to the horse field "then why are there kids here" I say "family members" he states simply "and they help with the animals" "then why can't she! she doesn't need training she knows how to survive" I say following him "good then send her back" why the hell is he being such an asshole "why did you take me in then, you had no idea about my skills and I was an insider so why take me in" I say and he turns around his eyes are cold "I took you into stop oscar from going crazy no other reason" he says and walks off "she saw her whole family, her group be ripped apart in front of her" I say "so what it's not like we all haven't gone through something similar" he says "let her stay for a few days I promise she will be useful" I say. Jacob stops and sighs "fine she can stay but she is your responsibility and if she doesn't prove to be useful you and her are out" he says and I sigh in relief "finally, thank you!" I say and I walk off to tell hailey she can stay.

-The next day- 

I get permission to take hailey out and go hunting I change and grab my bow. "you ready?" I ask and she nods. We head out me with my bow, hailey with her gun. We stick to the shadows and go through the forest to avoid infected After a while I've killed a deer and a cow. I turn around and see one of the infected stumbling towards us and Hailey with her gun raised I run to her "no, no we want the kills to be quiet, otherwise it will attract more infected and scare off the animals" I say and I load my bow and fire the arrow, it hits the infected in the head and it falls to the ground I walk over and pull my arrow out of it's head "do think they are still in there" says Hailey and I turn around "what are you talking about?" "the people do you think they can still think but the virus has taken control of them so they can't move but they can still hear, they are still conscious" she says and I kneel to her level "no I don't I think so" and she nods "my mom did" she says "she said that they couldn't see because their eyes are blacked out but they can feel and hear" tears spring to her eyes and she takes something out of her pocket, I look at her hand she holding a silencer "why did you take it off" I ask taking it and putting it back on her gun "I wanted to know if it was true" she says and then turns away "can we go back now" she say and I get up "sure" I say and I load the deer onto the truck we brought and drive back to the prison. 

One the way one of the tires pops "shit" I say and I get out and look at the tire, something isn't right about the puncture it's more like a slit. I get up and look up I hear a branch snap and I look towards where it came from "Hailey get out the car" I say without taking my eyes off the forest "I don't think she can" says a voice and I turn around sharply and see a guy holding a knife to Hailey's throat I pull my gun out and point it at the guy but then I hear a click of another gun next to my head "I wouldn't if I were you" says a voice belonging to the person who is now holding a gun to my head. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2015 ⏰

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