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Everyone was running down the hallway Na-Yeon in the front and Su-Hyeok at the back

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Everyone was running down the hallway Na-Yeon in the front and Su-Hyeok at the back

Gyeong-Su grabbed onto Ma-Ri's free hand as they ran everyone ahead of them stopped so they stopped not wanting to bump into any of their friends

Su-Hyeok runs past them jumping up and pushed his leg away from the wall and kicking the zombie in the face and started to fight the zombies off

Ma-Ri let go of Gyeong-Su's hand and pulled out a pocket knife from in her pocket

She then ran to towards Su-Hyeok ignoring everyone's calls and she stabs the zombie that was trying to get to Su-Hyeok right in the neck making it drop onto the ground dead

A zombie started to run towards the group but Ma-Ri threw her knife and it went right into the back of the zombie's head

she looked down at Na-Yeon who was on the ground with a terrified look on her face, Ma-Ri smirked and took the knife out it's head putting it in her pocket she then did a little bow at Na-Yeon

'You're welcome, your highness'

'Ma-Ri look out!'Dae-Su yelled Ma-Ri looked to her left and a zombie girl tackled her to the ground and started to climb on top of her

she put her arm against its neck some blood from the zombie's mouth dripped onto her cheek

'Ohhh'Ma-Ri whined Su-Hyeok ran over and kicked the zombie of her he then took ahold of her arm pulling Ma-Ri up she clenched onto his arm as she tried to stand up straight

'Thanks Su-Hyeok'Su-Hyeok nodded and gently pushed Ma-Ri to Wu-Jin who took her and dragged her back to their friends

Cheong-san pulled one of the windows of the wall and hit one of the zombie that were on top of Su-Hyeok in the head,
Dae-Su helped Su-Hyeok up and all the boys started to pull the windows off the classroom walls

Ma-Ri also grabbed one and ran to the boys next to Cheong-san and Joon-Yeong and she pushed on the zombies

'Hey! Get out of the way!'Ma-Ri turned her head and saw Dae-Su running towards them with a door in his hands once he got close enough Ma-Ri and all the boys crouched to the ground

Joon-Yeong put his arms above Ma-Ri's head so she wouldn't get hit
Dae-Su covered the zombies way and everyone got up again pushing on the door

'Hey come help us!'Ma-Ri shouted towards the girls they all came running over and pushed on the boys back On-Jo pushing in Ma-Ri's

'Push it!'Someone shouted

'On-Jo! Your hands are on my ass!'Ma-Ri said turning her head to the side

'Oh sorry'On-Jo muttered and put her hands higher on her back
'Keep pushing!'Wu-Jin yelled

With enough pushing they managed to get the zombies go fall down the stairs
'Girls upstairs!'Wu-Jin shouted

'Ma-Ri go with them!'Joon-Yeong told her she sighed and ran after the girls the boys followed behind them Ma-Ri noticed Su-Hyeok wasn't there and ran back she saw him fighting the zombies

'Su-Hyeok!'She shouted He turned to her
'Get to the lab! Hurry!'He shouted

'You better get there Su-Hyeok'she groaned and ran off to the others

When she got up there Dae-Su was blocking her path the zombies must've heard her footsteps because they turned and started to run towards her

she pushed one when it got near her in to the window making it fly out, she then took a few steps back and ran towards them she flew to the floor and slid under the zombies legs

she got up and ran towards the door Dae-Su was holding up and he let her into the little space they have between the group

On-Jo was hitting the door lock with the fire hose Ma-Ri watched as she helped Dae-Su push back the zombies On-Jo hit the lock with all her strength breaking it

'It's open!'Everyone one managed to push all the zombies to the ground and run into the room Dae-Su ran and hit the zombies with the door
He hit the window it broke into pieces he ran in and shut the door

Dae-Su sat down and wiped his face
'Oh shit-'He muttered a bloody hand hit his face and he let out a scream Joon-Yeong picked up a fire extinguisher and started hitting the zombie out the window he then hit another window breaking it he stood back standing next to Ma-Ri

'Well done! Your created a bigger place for them to get in'Ma-Ri said sarcastically and patted Joon-Yeong's shoulder he turned his head and looked at her with a scowl

if looks could kill Ma-Ri would definitely be dead right now

'Get a desk'He said and Dae-Su picked up a desk with a little help from the others and they put it up against the windows

Wu-Jin sat against the table with a chair in his hand everyone started to put chairs along the top of the table to try and block out the zombie students

Joon-Yeong looked down at his shaky hands Ma-Ri watched him do so and put her hands in his sending him a small but sad smile

'Give me Ma-Ri's phone! I'm gonna try calling again!'Na-Yeon exclaimed

'Sorry I lost it'On-Jo said catching Ma-Ri's attention

'You lost my phone!?'she asked now walking over to On-Jo

'I said I'm sorry!'On-Jo replied
'It was important to me!'Ma-Ri yelled
'It's just a stupid phone!'

'It was my mum's!'Everyone turns and looks at Ma-Ri she huffed and wiped her eyes that started to water

'Whatever like you said I could get a new one' She said and picked up one of the chairs

'How could you lose it?!'Na-Yeon then exclaimed

'Who cares we gotta secure the room now'Gyeong-Su said picking up a chair and putting it to the door

'Like you can talk!'Na-Yeon threatened Gyeong-Su turned and looked at her
'What?'Gyeong-Su asked

'It's because you didn't lock the door if you had done that, the gym teacher wouldn't have gotten to us we almost died because of you and Ma-Ri!'Na-Yeon yelled making Ma-Ri drop the chair and look at her

'Then why didn't you do anything yourself?' Gyeong-Su asked

'You're so fucking annoying!'Na-Yeon yelled and Gyeong-Su Marched up to her

'Gyeong-Su no no no don't'Cheong-San said

normally Ma-Ri would stop him from attacking her but right now she deserves it

'You bitch!'he said and grabbed the Collar of her shirt

'Don't you touch me!'She shouted and pushed Gyeong-Su away from her
'Fight after you move these, this is not the time'Ji-Min sternly said

'She's right, stop it'Seo Hyo-Ryung added
'Yeah fight after we finish this Gyeong-Su' Dae-Su said and I-Sak pushed Gyeong-Su towards Dae-Su

'Ugh! This is so fucking annoying!'NaYeon yelled taking her tie off and kicking over a stool

Ma-Ri sighed and sat down taking out a small bag she took out from her school bag she opened it and took out her inhaler before she took a few puffs of it

'Su-Hyeok?'On-Jo said making everyone look at her

'Where's Su-Hyeok?'On-Jo asked to her classmates they all looked at one another with their eyes slightly wide

Together-Su-Hyeok x Female (All of us are dead)Where stories live. Discover now