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Ma-Ri was sat on a chair next to Joon-Yeong who was sat on the table she had her head resting on his lap half asleep as he cleaned his face holding up a mirror

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Ma-Ri was sat on a chair next to Joon-Yeong who was sat on the table she had her head resting on his lap half asleep as he cleaned his face holding up a mirror

'Maybe they're drawn to smell, they do always go after you'Woo-Jin suggested looking at Dae-Su who sighed

'I don't smell'He admitted

'You sweat a lot, Dae-Su'Ji-Min told him
'I sweat but I don't smell...what's that smell?'Dae-Su wondered sniffing around

'Your sweat'Ma-Ri Muttered with a sigh
'I think they're more sensitive to sound than smell'Joon-Yeong expressed

'Sound?'Ji-Min asked

'Yeah,sound,This isn't a movie' Joon-Yeong added putting a hand on Ma-Ri's shoulder

'That's just how zombies are you know? And didn't you see their eyes? They can't see with those eyes'Dae-Su said

'Sound, smell, I don't know'Joon-Yeong admitted

'It's sound' Dae-Su replied

'Give me the mirror'Ji-Min said and took the mirror off Joon-Yeong, Ma-Ri got up and went over to Nam-Ra she sat next to her and leaned into her side

'Hey...you okay?'Nam-Ra asked

'Kinda...not really'Ma-Ri said as Nam-Ra put an arm around her shoulder

'What's wrong?'Nam-Ra asked looking down at her best friend

Cheong-San started to whistle in front of the Recording room door Ma-Ri shook her head and looked up at Nam-Ra

'I don't trust Na-Yeon and I feel like shes going to do something that will make matters worse'Ma-Ri confessed

'Hey don't worry about it...what about you go talk to Gyeong-Su I think he's wondering how you are'Nam-Ra told her retreating her hand from Ma-Ri's shoulder

'Yeah okay'Ma-Ri got up and limped over to the door holding onto her stomach

'Miss Park I'm going to see if Gyeong-Su is okay'Ma-Ri told her teacher Miss Park nodded and Ma-Ri knocked on the door and Gyeong-Su looked up at her and smiled

'I'm coming in'She mouthed he shook his head telling her not to but she didn't listen and opened the door she stepped inside closing the door behind her

'You can't stay in here forever'She told him sitting on a chair in front of him

'Well I don't want to risk hurting people if I am so you should probably not be in here' Gyeong-Su said

Together-Su-Hyeok x Female (All of us are dead)Where stories live. Discover now