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After a few minutes Su-Hyeok called for them to come out and to the computer everyone was crowded around excepted Su-Hyeok and Ma-Ri

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After a few minutes Su-Hyeok called for them to come out and to the computer everyone was crowded around excepted Su-Hyeok and Ma-Ri

Ma-Ri walked up to Su-Hyeok and tapped his shoulder he turned to look at her and smiled softly

'Yeah?'He asked

'did you see it?'She asked he frowned and said


'In the science lab'Ma-Ri answered
'Well I was actually in the art room, what's in the science lab?'He asked her

'Um well I-'She began but the computer chimes and Su-Hyeok walked over leaving her alone she shrugged and walked over to Gyeong-Su who was looking out the window

'Hey you okay?'Ma-Ri asks the boy putting a hand on his shoulder he looked at her and shrugged

'I wanna hit her in the face I hate she's talking shit about me and my family' Gyeong-Su muttered Ma-Ri nodded and leaned against the wall in front of the window

'I miss them...my family, I wish I could just see them now'Gyeong-Su admitted

'You know what?'Gyeong-Su looked at her with a confused frowned


'How about after we get out of this mess we go and see you're family and go out for dinner'Ma-Ri suggested

'I'd like tha-'A clink came from the window and the two turned around and saw the hose swinging

They shrugged and did their hand shake agreeing on their plans
they then watched the others try and find something about this zombie virus

'Look at your notifications 1700!?'Dae-Su exclaimed

'Strange....okay let's check messages first'Joon-Yeong started but the hose burst through the window sending shards of glass into the room a few pieces hitting Ma-Ri's face since she was next to the window

Gyeong-Su ran towards the others avoiding getting hurt but left Ma-Ri she fell to the floor as a bit of glass hit her and she covered her head as the glass fell from the window

once it stopped Su-Hyeok ran over to her pulling her away the hose broke more of the window as everyone yelped and shouted

'What was that?!'Joon-Yeong yelled

'Did someone not make it in?'Woo-Jin asked Su-Hyeok took the pieces of glass out Ma-Ri's hair as she whimpered in pain
'No, no one'Cheong-San answered and started to step over to the braking window

'Wait don't get to close!'Gyeong-Su exclaimed

'Yeah no shit!'Ma-Ri stated sarcastically trying to help Su-Hyeok take the glass out of her hair and clothes

'Be careful'Joon-Yeong said as Cheong-san went up to the window

'Do you see anything?'Woo-Jin asked
'It's just the wind'Gyeong-Su told them
'That scared me'Woo-Jin mumbled

a zombie flys down in front of the window making everyone scream and move away Su-Hyeok pulling her with him the zombie pulls on the window frame trying to get to the teens and the teacher

'Look out! It's coming in!'Dae-Su yelled to Cheong-San who was on the floor looking up at the zombie which it was growling at him

'Cheong-San get back, get back here!'On-Jo shouted

'Look out! Look out!'Gyeong-Su warned
'Cheong-San!'Ma-Ri yelled Cheong-San ran over to the corner of the room and picked up a mop he ran over to the swinging zombie and used the mop to push away

'Push it push it!'Su-Hyeok shouted from behind Ma-Ri

Gyeong-Su ran over and tried to help Cheong-San

'Go Harder!'He yelled The zombie pulled on the mop trying to get closer to it's prey
'Watch your hands!'Joon-Yeong called out to them

The zombie then grabbed Gyeong-Su's hand trying to pull him close to her Gyeong-Su managed to get out its grip and Went towards his friends

Cheong-San then whacked It with the mop but it didn't budge still at the window struggling to get in

'Should I go?'Dae-Su asked
'No hold on'Joon-Yeong said

'Go, Dae-Su'Su-Hyeok yelled the creature snarled and Su-Hyeok went up to Cheong-San

'Give it!'Su-Hyeok shouted and snatched the mop hitting Gyeong-Su in the face when he stabbed into the zombies shoulder the zombie stopped moving

Su-Hyeok looked at Ma-Ri who shrugged the zombie curled it's hand around the window frame and let out a loud snarl as it grabbed the mop

Su-Hyeok struggled against its grip as he held onto the mop

'Shit, we're completely fucked'Dae-Su said

'Just push it!'Cheong-San exclaimed
'Push it push it off!'Joon-Yeong yelled

'Push it away already'Na-Yeon whimpered
'He's trying So fucking calm down!'Ma-Ri yelled from next to Woo-Jin

'It's coming in!'Dae-Su shouted

'Su-Hyeok watch out for your hands!' Ma-Ri shouted watching as the zombie got dangerously close to his hand

'Oh fuck it!'Gyeong-Su shouted and picked up the computer and smacked the zombie making it fall off the hose and to the ground

'Is it gone?'Woo-Jin asked as the boys walked to the window
Everyone sighed in relief knowing it was gone

Su-Hyeok went straight up to Ma-Ri and pulled her sitting her down on a chair

'Let's get this glass out your face yeah?' he said gently she nodded and took out the small bag in her pocket

'Wait what's in your bag?'On-Jo asked looking at Ma-Ri who looked up at her
'Well I have a small first aid kit and a spare inhaler'She told them

'It doesn't matter we can't keep that glass in any longer'Su-Hyeok said looking around for something to take the glass out

Ma-Ri held up a pair of tweezers in front of his face with a innocent smile he scoffed slightly with a smile and took the tweezers

'Alright this is gonna hurt'He told her she nodded with a sigh and closed her eyes

Together-Su-Hyeok x Female (All of us are dead)Where stories live. Discover now