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Ma-Ri was sat next to Gyeong-Su at the table she hand his hand in her as she was drawing little smiley faces on his left hand

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Ma-Ri was sat next to Gyeong-Su at the table she hand his hand in her as she was drawing little smiley faces on his left hand

'Why are you drawing smiley faces on my hand?'Gyeong-Su asked with a frown

'What? Do you have something better to be doing? Hm?'Gyeong-Su sighed softly and looked away from her

'Yeah that's what I thought'She muttered making Gyeong-Su look back at her

'You're so annoying sometimes' Gyeong-Su said with a huff Ma-Ru smirked and looked away from her drawings

'Since we're sharing options here I find you extremely rude'Ma-Ri stated making Gyeong-Su gasp sarcastically

'Stop being so mean to me!'Gyeong-Su whined sarcastically

'Me? Mean? Never'Ma-Ri said and went back to drawing Gyeong-Su sighed in defeat and let her continue drawing on his non scratched hand

'I didn't hear anything at all'Cheong-San said out of the blue

'I just couldn't hear anything' he repeated
'Like what?'Su-Hyeok questions his friend
'I mean after Na-Yeon went out and then Miss Park went after her I didn't hear anything after that'Ma-Ri put her pen down and looked at the boy turning around in her seat

'You mean screaming?'Ma-Ri asked
Cheong-San glanced at her and nodded

'Maybe they didn't die then,They wouldn't have been quiet if zombies were biting them they must be alive'No one looked at Dae-Su not wanting to make eye contact

'Why won't you respond? No one answers me, I'm always talking to myself'Dae-Su muttered

'I think you're right'On-Jo spoke
'Forget it'Dae-Su grumbled

'I didn't hear anything either'On-Jo spoke
'Me neither I was scared because I didn't know how I'd feel if I heard them
screaming but I didn't hear anything'
Hyo-Ryung admitted

'Come to think of it, neither did I'Joon-Yeong added

'Then I'm right they're alive right?'Dae-Su asked looking at Ma-Ri and she nodded Ma-Ri then stood up from her seat and stood between to Su-Hyeok and Woo-Jin

Su-Hyeok put a loose arm around her shoulder and softly smiled down at her which she returned leaning into him slightly

'Should she be alive?'Ji-Min asked

'What do you mean?'Gyeong-Su queried

'She's pretty much a murderer,She almost killed Gyeong-Su and walked out of here on her own, is it even right for her to be alive? Aren't you all being fake?!'Ji-Min rambled

'What about Miss Park? Should she have died too?'Woo-Jin asked from beside Ma-Ri

'Is that our fault?'Ji-Min shot back
'Either way, we're responsible for what happened'Woo-Jin stated

'Why is that? What did we do wrong?'

'Does it matter anymore? I mean yes Na-Yeon almost killed Gyeong-Su and left on her own then Miss Park followed her but it was their decision to go, its not that I don't care it's just...it's happened now' Ma-Ri explained making everyone quiet

after a moment or two Su-Hyeok spoke up
'Hey, I feel weird saying this but'

'Then don't say it Dumbass'Ma-Ri said bumping into his side making him groan and lean down slightly

'Oh sorry'Ma-Ri sheepishly said

'Does anyone else have to go to the bathroom by any chance?'Everyone looked at each other not daring to answer
'Am i the only one?'Dae-Su put his hand up

'I do'Dae-Su admitted

'We have to go too actually but we can't go out'Hyo-Ryung said for herself and Ji-Min Everyone fell silent once again and Ma-Ri sighed leaning her head on Su-Hyeok's shoulder

After about ten minutes or so Dae-Su talked Ma-Ri's nose shrivelled up in disgust from the thing Dae-Su said
Ji-Min told him not to say stuff like and and he got defensive

'Why are you blaming me for this Su-Hyeok brought it up pooping's not a crime'Dae-Su told them

Ma-Ri rolled her eyes and spoke up
'It's not a crime but-'

'But what? Don't you need to go?'Dae-Su asked

'Yes I do, not poop like you though'Ma-Ri told him Dae-Su then pointed to Cheong-San

'What about you?'Cheong-San looked up
'I don't...pooping no'Cheong-San

Dae-su then asked Hyo-Ryung
'Why are you asking me?'She said
'Why are you getting annoyed?'

'What do you want from us? We can't go out anyway'Dae-Su then sighed and stood up

'I have an idea'he told them and walked towards the window

'First the girls and the guys will take turns-'

'And where exactly?'Ma-Ri asked watching him stand by the window
'Here'He told them simply

'You're crazy'Ji-Min told him
'Stop it man'Cheong-San said
'Why? The girls can wait in the other room, and the guys can just pee out the window'Dae-Su announced

'What about...poop?'Woo-Jin queered with a smirk

'Poop...well you can take off your pants and hang out the window like this outside' He then got up on the window sill and demonstrated what they would have to do

Ma-Ri rolled her eyes and shook her head leaning her face further into Su-Hyeok's shoulder

'Like you're taking a dump at the edge of a cliff like this'he then did another demonstration inside the room

'What reaction is he looking for'Woo-Jin asked into Ma-Ri's ear Ma-Ri turned to her friend and shrugged her shoulders
'I have no idea'she told him

'But someone has to hold you so you don't fall'

'Dae-Su loving the plan honestly but how are you supposed to wipe your arse?'Ma-Ri asked with sarcasm lacing in her voice

'Well someone else should'he said standing Ma-Ri sighed and stood away from Su-Hyeok and looked at Dae-Su

'Okay that's me done, Dae-Su you're plans suck'Ma-Ri told him as she pointed to him

'Idiot' Joon-Yeong muttered
'Let's just hold it if the rescuers come-'Ji-Min started

'It'll take a while for them to get here it might be the same outside of the school, I don't know how long we'll be stuck here, but my dad always told me to separate the bathroom from where you sleep if you find yourself stranded'On-Jo informed to them

'Where Will we create a bathroom and how?'On-Jo then pointed to the recording room

'Right there'She said everyone turned around and looked into the room

I'm so sorry I haven't posted on like five days but I've got a lot going on at school and I'm going to very busy over the weekend so if I don't post in a while then I'm busy

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I'm so sorry I haven't posted on like five days but I've got a lot going on at school and I'm going to very busy over the weekend so if I don't post in a while then I'm busy

Together-Su-Hyeok x Female (All of us are dead)Where stories live. Discover now