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'Wait!'Nam-Ra exclaimed everyone turned at her and Na-Yeon stopped in her tracks

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'Wait!'Nam-Ra exclaimed everyone turned at her and Na-Yeon stopped in her tracks

'What wrong Nam-Ra?'Ma-Ri asked looking at her friend

'Don't let her go in with him'She said
'Why not? She was about to apologise' Cheong-San told her

'She wasn't get him out of there immediately'Nam-Ra exclaimed

'Guys I think we should listen to her'Ma-Ri said looking at everyone

'Miss Park what do you think?'Dae-Su asked Miss Park sighed and nodded

'He's been in there long enough...Gyeong-Su come out Now'Miss Park demand they watched Gyeong-Su sigh and get up walking towards the door Na-Yeon followed behind him

'Now can you explain why she shouldn't apologise, Nam-Ra'Miss Park said

'She wasn't going to apologise she was going to kill him'Nam-Ra stated

'What are you talking about?'Ma-Ri asked taking a step towards her

'Let's just talk about that after she apologises,Na-Yeon apologise now!' Miss Park told them Na-Yeon turned and looked at Gyeong-Su who was standing next to Cheong-San

'I'm not apologising, you deserves to be looked down on, Our complex banned you welfies but you forced your way in and how dare you push me'Na-Yeon said venomously

'Listen you fucking-'Gyeong-Su started as he walked towards her only to be stopped by the back of Ma-Ri's hand on his chest

'You thought I'd apologise? Everyone is taking your side, I was cornered because of a nobody like you, you should've stayed the full hour and I hoped you'd never come out again, Fucking welfie'

Ma-Ri had enough and moved her hand away from Gueong-Su's chest letting him try and attack Na-Yeon only for Dae-Su and Su-Hyeok to stop him

'You fucking you're such a fucking cunt!' Gyeong-Su shouted

After all the commotion Gyeong-Su, Ma-Ri and the boys were sat and stood in front of the window

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After all the commotion Gyeong-Su, Ma-Ri and the boys were sat and stood in front of the window

'I don't understand why She has to take it to far'Gyeong-Su said finishing off the conversation they were having

'Dude forget about her'Dae-Su said
'Only if it was that easy Dae-Su'Ma-Ri answered putting a hand on the taller boy's shoulder

'We almost died when Gyeong-Su and Ma-Ri pulled coach Kang in, why aren't you mad at them?'Na-Yeon shouted

Cheong-San walked up to her as Gyeong-Si scoffed and Ma-Ri turned away from everyone and looked out onto the zombie filled field

'That was not their fault, how were they supposed to know that was gonna happen?'Cheong-Su argued sticking up for his friends

'That's enough, Quiet everyone'

'We'd be quiet if she was gone!'Ji-Min shouted and Ma-Ri put her head on her arms leaning against the window sill

'You're all so annoying,what if I'm right about this? Then will you finally admit I saved you all'Na-Yeon announced Ma-Ri rolled her eyes and looked up at her

'I don't understand how can you still be like this?'

'Look guess I was right after all'Na-Yeon said and looked at Ma-Ri

Everyone turned and looked at Ma-Ri with wide eyes

'Ma-Ri...you're nose'Su-Hyeok called Ma-Ri frowned and wiped her nose seeing a little bit of blood

'I told you didn't I? You still think I'm wrong?'Na-Yeon exclaimed

'What...'Ma-Ri muttered and wiped her nose a little more to see some more blood she looked up at Su-Hyeok with her mouth a-gaped and her hands shaking slightly

'Su-Hyeok..'Ma-Ri whispered looking in her boyfriend's eyes

I'm sorry for such a short chapter, I'm going to be busy for the weekend so just enjoy this cliffhanger until I post again😌

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I'm sorry for such a short chapter, I'm going to be busy for the weekend so just enjoy this cliffhanger until I post again😌

Together-Su-Hyeok x Female (All of us are dead)Where stories live. Discover now