Prologue - The Final Masquerade

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"I must tell you... It's been a long while that I've been tryin' to muster up the strength to come here." A brown-haired Hylian woman, figure normally gleaming in arrogance, filled with solemnity. Her horse's hooves clicked on as they traveled the Necluda path, the woman's grip weak on the reins from some other force.

"I get that a lot, from people coming here to pay their respects. Even ninety years later... it's still a tragedy. That's why I offer myself to people wishing to come. My final allegiance to Her Highness... to watch over her remains." Her companion, an elder Sheikah, whispered. It was obvious he had not been in his home village in a very long time, he spoke more like a Hateno villager than a Sheikah, and did not wear the traditional garb of such.

"How is the Castle?"

"It's still holding up. It's been safer, though. I think the safest it ever was... would have been about thirty years ago."

"Astounding..." She looked up and was graced with a sweeping landscape, covered in the remains of autonomous, possessed soldiers surrounding a large stone structure that had seen better days. Eyes began to burn as she looked down at her horse's mane. The party became silent as they veered off the trodden path that drew closer to the structure. She knew they were near the site when three of the soldiers, arranged in a tower, all faced the same direction.

She'd heard about her kingdom's fall of course, the ruins taking up the majority of Central Hyrule didn't need anyone to teach their story, and she was nothing if not filled with rumors. However, when she gazed upon that patch of grass, the reality of that day ninety years ago came rushing in.

She could see them, surrounded by the flames of their fallen kingdom. The knight was essentially torn to pieces as he broke his silence to shriek his agony into the night. Crimson blood spewed from his near-slit throat in a sickening current, also bubbling up from his chest. He grabbed her hand, even in the pain; his blood smearing on her. His dying eyes glanced into hers with only fear for her life. Her Highness whined in similar pain, and although the Hylian woman fought to keep the rumors from this moment, the Princess reached for her pregnant stomach before moaning once more. She was nearly crosshatched by her wounds and, should the rumors be true, tensing and grunting as she tried to force her child's birth. The knight cradled her against his gushing body, cooing softly as his breaths became weak. The Princess didn't make another noise, she went limp in his arms just after he did. Footsteps quickly approached moments after they passed, two Sheikah knights found them, tried to wake them up, then shrieked in agony upon finding them dead on the bloodstained plain.

"Traysi? Miss Traysi?" The woman's Sheikah guide prodded her back to her world. "It's a sacred place indeed..." He mused when she turned a responsive head back to him. "so many people are sent right to the heart of the Calamity..."

"My... vials... please."

"Of course." The Sheikah reached into the sack on her horse's neck, pulling out three small vials of water each labeled with the symbol of one of the Golden Goddesses. He tenderly slipped each vial into her hand, the glass clinking as they slid apart and back together.

Traysi looked back at the grass that had taken hold of her just moments before, slipping the corks out of the vials. Each vial had water from one of the sacred springs, and she had gathered them to anoint the site. First was the Spring of Courage, Fayroe's spring. This was first because it honored both fallen. Next, the Spring of Power, Din's spring. Last was the Spring of Wisdom, for the Princess could not ascend the mountain until the day of her death. With the anointing of this land, may the spirits that fell upon it be blessed with everlasting peace. May the spirits that fell here be free from any worldly captivity, to return to the side of the Highest Goddess Hylia by this blessing from her fellow goddesses. Let the sacrifice raised here never be forgotten, and reveal to us the truth of the Holy Princess and Chosen Knight so that they may not be tarnished by our unknowing state. Bring us peace in their absence, and bring them peace in our ignorance, and may their afterlife lead the life they should have been granted: together, enveloped in love, the same way they were created in that sacred temple below the sky oh so long ago...

As the final drops of the Spring of Wisdom's water fell upon the grass, Traysi returned from her prayer; clutching the empty vials to her chest. "When I was younger, my father told me about his encounter with a Champion Survivor... someone close to one of your fallen warriors, my princess. I was captivated that there were people, real life people, who experienced the Great Calamity. Ever since then... I've wanted to pay my respects. However, no one knows where you or your Champions are buried... all we know is that you and Champion Link passed away here... and it's taken many years before I could come... but here I am." She bowed deeply, though not letting her knees touch the sacred ground, before shedding a tear and turning to head home.

"Welcome, travelers. May I sing you a song?"

Traysi and her Sheikah companion whipped around to see a young, blue-and-gold-macaw-like Rito with an accordion that was a little too big for him. He flew over the Guardian tower, a hopeful expression on his face. "My teacher, the court poet for the Royal Family, recently passed away. I would like to follow in his footsteps to sing for the ones who come to honor the Princess, Knight and Champions. I believe I have a song for you, one Her Highness would find pleasing; may I sing for you?"

"Sure... it would be a nice closing to my respects."

The small-ish Rito smiled gently, then glided down and perched on a nearby rock. "Thank you, kind travelers." He took his accordion and began to play.

Here on this sacred plain

Two travelers made their way

Through both the sun and the rain

To arrive here and say

"Thank you for that day

when you threw your life away"

I shall be here by your side

Through each of death's frozen nights

Standing here alone

I never thought I'd be this close

To this place, where legends forever rest

Beyond the day and beyond the night

Resting along Hylia's side

No greater love has found its depth

Than this place where two fighters lay

Princess and her Knight

An eternal sacrifice

Two souls still searching for peace

Their destiny still awaits

Heroes lost in the fray

And then the light shall return!

The Rito opened his eyes as his accordion's final notes played. "Thank you for listening to me. I will leave you now, if you would like."

"Thank you, Rito."

He smiled. "The name's Kass. I wish you peace in your travels." As quietly as he appeared, Kass ambled towards Hateno Village.

Traysi and her Sheikah companion prepared their horses for their journey.

"I wonder what he means..." The Sheikah suddenly mumbled.

"I believe he was referring to us, Synten."

"No, no, at the end. He said 'Two souls still searching for peace, their destiny still awaits.' How could their destinies still lie ahead of them if they've been dead for decades?"

She blinked, stopping mid-bridle. "You're right... Could it be possible...?"  

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