The Legend of Zelda

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 *Five Years Later*


"Aw, congrats little sis!" Purah wrapped her hands around an exhausted Impa before turning to a nearby Sheikah male. "And don't think I've forgotten about my favorite brother-in-law!"

He chuckled. "Purah, I'm your only brother-in-law."

"All the more reason to say it!" She braced both their backs. "Now where's my nephew? I'm dying to meet 'em!"

Impa stumbled up the stairs, her husband following suit in a familiar, protective manner, with Purah trailing them both. A simple cradle was near the bed, and within it, a newborn son.

"You, rest." Impa's husband gestured her to bed.

"Oh, Horacio! Been working on your Prince Linky impression these past nine months?"

"There wasn't much to practice. I spent quite a bit of time around him before the Calamity."

Purah smirked as visions of a younger Horacio, armed with a fiddle in the presence of royalty, flooded her mind.

"Leave it to rest!" He then muttered. "We were all much younger then. Don't give them more shame."

"Horacio... it's alright. Most men back then were attracted to Her Highness. It's why her engagement to Link caused so much backlash: if she was going to break law and formality, why with that man?" Impa smiled softly from the bed, looking up from the cradle.

"Looking back, it's very clear to see why they were willing to risk everything. I only hope to give that same love to you, Impa."

"Don't overthink it, or try to be someone else. You're great just as you are." She smiled softly, Purah looked over the cradle.

"Oh! He's precious! What did you name him?"

"Temitri. Temi for short." Horacio watched his son sleep.

"Well! Who's my favorite nephew? You are, Temitri!"

The trio fawned over the newborn child for so long, they didn't see the heavenly light form behind them, or the woman who the light cloaked.

Her voice shook the room. "It's been quite a while, wouldn't you think?"

All three turned to greet the holy woman, tears instantly springing to their eyes. Purah gasped in awe. "Zelda!"

"Purah... how good to see you again..."

"P-Princess!" Impa called, blinking to make sure she was really there.

"Impa..." Her weary smile grew larger and, upon noticing the cradle, she looked down at herself gently.

"Princess Zelda... it's really you..." Impa blinked back joyful tears. "I missed you so much... you and His Highness..."

"Link..." Her voice suddenly choked. "...he is not... with me..."

Purah, through sheer willpower, placed her hand on Zelda's arm. "I'm sorry, Zelda... I can't imagine how you've been without him by your side."

"We've suffered a deal. I must admit, I am in quite a lot of pain."

"Your Highness, I'm sorry to hear you continue to ail." Horacio rose from the bed. "I'm not far removed from the stage you're in, and my heart aches for you."

"Thank you, Horacio. It's been quite a while since we've spoken."

"Have you spoken with anyone else since the Calamity, Your Highness?"

"Ganon keeps close tabs on us," Zelda gestured to her stomach, brushing her knuckles against somewhere that the group could only assume was aching. "Me and him attended Urbosa's funeral, but that is all. It seems the Ganon behind the Calamity was, indeed, Gerudo. He felt badly for causing harm to his people, and for how I'd been affected. He... actually refused to try and kill me, because of the little one."

"Really..." Purah tapped her finger to her head. "Perhaps there is a being within the Calamity... underneath all that rage and hate... and you managed to reach him, Zelly."

The princess winced. "That is Link's to use, and only his."

"Ooh! I'm sorry!"

"You are forgiven. Besides, I've not come for myself." She smiled. "I've come to see your little one, Impa."

"Ah! Of course." Impa let her look into the cradle; she soaked in the newborn Sheikah's sight.

"Hello, little one. You've come along at a beautiful time..."

Temitri opened his tiny eyes and glanced up at Zelda. Their eyes met, and Zelda felt his smile, even though he couldn't do so yet. A content smile fell upon Zelda's face, full of a mother's warmth and love. She looked away only to make eye contact with his mother, and Impa readily granted the unspoken wish. Zelda reached down to wrap her arms around the child and lift him, but her arms passed through as if she was less than air. She blinked in confusion, then attempted again. After the third attempt, Temitri began to cry.

Zelda stumbled, looking around at everyone as she flicked. Her breathing sped up until she was essentially panting. "I'm sorry..." She cried before turning tail and bolting through the building's walls and doors.

"Princess Zelda!" Impa called before turning her attention to her crying child. "Purah, please."

"Of course, sis." Purah went looking for Zelda, watching the sun dipping down the horizon with the moon right above it. It was a curious sight, both celestial bodies hiding from view at the same time, as if neither wanted to witness what was about to occur.

Purah did find her, sobbing by the graveyard.

However, someone else found her first.

A Hylian traveler was watching her sob over the stones, writing down what he was witnessing.

Purah hung back for a moment, just to watch what would happen. Then, just as she rose to retrieve the princess, Zelda's eyes swooped up to the sky, glanced over at the traveler, then vanished as soon as their gazes had locked. As she faded, he could see her nod her head.

"Did you see that?" The traveler asked Purah. "The-The Princess! She... she vanished... she-she's... dead."

Though the world did not know it, a legend had just been crafted. A legend that would endure for decades, molding the beliefs of all, until truth came to rewrite it for its true place in the history books. 

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