The Descent

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A.N: Happy Fan Works Day, you all! I honestly didn't expect that I would be doing this today, but, well, here I am. Evil Biology Notes, back off! I have much better things to deal with right now!

(See the end of the work for .)

Work Text:

"Dickie," he gasped. "Dickie, stay awake."

But the only answer from his brother was a groan.

"Dick, Dickie, please. If you -" He had to stop to catch his breath as a sharp pain flared through his ribs.

"Dick," he begged, trying to reach his brother's trembling hand. "Please," he whispered.


"Oh thank god! Dick, stay awake, okay?"


And what could he say to that?

"Because we have to get out of here. The Bat and brats will be here soon. You wanna see them, right?"

"But it's cold," Dick said, his teeth chattering.

"I know, Dickiebird. Dick, can you get up?"

"Get up?" Dick echoed, voice filled with despair.

"Yeah. If you can manage to get this beam off me, I can warm you up."

And Dick's eyes finally came to the huge beam that fell on Jason when the building Red Hood and Nightwing were fighting Freeze in, collapsed. Freeze had managed to get a lucky shot at Nightwing, and right now, Dick was shivering as his lips slowly turned blue.

It was supposed to be a quiet night. Hell, it actually was a quiet night, until Freeze made a guest appearance along with Penguin. Ha. Penguin and Freeze. Jason would have appreciated the irony of the combo, and he was sure Dick would have too, if it wasn't for the bomb in the building.

There were only two of them, and taking on both of the villains as well as diffusing the bomb proved to be a challenge, since both of the villains were actually using strategies to defeat them.

They tried calling for backup, but the others were busy with their own stuff - Bats was in a JLL meeting on another planet, and he had taken Demon with him. And the Replacement was with the YJ brats.

So, it has taken a while for the message to reach any of them - the time that was enough for Freeze to hit Nightwing with a powerful ice blast, for Penguin to hit Red Hood with his stupid umbrella, and for the bomb to go off.

When the bomb went off, the floor they were standing on had fallen down, plunging both guys to the dark and cold basement. The second after Jason hit the basement's hard ground, a beam had fallen on him, pressing down on his dislocated ribs. The astute pain in his leg indicated a fractured, if not broken, ankle.

As for Dick, he had taken a hard hit to his head. It was a miracle that he was awake, but, at this point, Jason was ready to take all the miracles he could get. But, Freeze's blast, concussion, and a cold basement was not a good combo.

So, Jason was trying to get Dick to help him at least a bit, while simultaneously fighting off his claustrophobia and his past experience of explosions, so he could take some sort of control of the situation.

The first few minutes were a nightmare for Jason. Dick hadn't responded to any of his words. No hum, no groan, nothing. And Jason couldn't see him either. He was begging after a while for some sort of response from his brother.

Finally, Dick had given the indication that he was alive. So, now, Jason's mission was to get Dick to lift the beam off him. But, when he heard the horror and desperation in Dick's voice at the prospect of getting up from his curled position, Jason's resolve wavered.

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