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hana's pov

"i can't believe you actually did that", jungkook says and laughs.

i giggle and take a sip of my wine before checking the time on my phone. fuck.

i gasp and jump out of my seat which makes the whole restaurant look at our direction.

"what is it?", he asks.

"i am so sorry, but i gotta hurry back to my dorm. our curfew's at 11 p.m", i say as i quickly put my jacket and mask on.

"your dorm has a curfew?", he asks with furrowed brows.

"yes. i know, it's super weird, and i don't even know why it exists but i really gotta hurry back or else i'll have no place to go."

"where is it? i can give you a ride", he says and my heart skips a beat at the thought of being in a car alone with him.

"i would really appreciate that...", i say as i wait for him to get up.

"i promised i'd drive you home this time, remember?", he says as he stands up and puts his jacket on as well as his face mask.

he pays for our meal before we head out to his car in the parking garage.

as i sit in the passenger seat after buckling up, realisation hits me. i'm in jeon jungkook's car..

i fiddle with my phone in my hand and start to overthink about the situation. jungkook notices as i have a pretty serious expression on my face, but he doesn't say anything.

"could you please drive a little faster?". i ask and start biting my nails.

"i wish i could, but this traffic is looking pretty bad."

an awkward silence fills the fancy car of his. i look at the time on my phone.


we're not even halfway there...

the traffic starts moving and jungkook speeds up.

we finally arrive to my dorm and he parks the car right in front of the building's entrance, even though it's not allowed.

i quickly unbuckle my seatbelt and climb out of the car without even saying goodbye to jungkook. i sprint up to the entrance, only to find that the old man who's responsibility to close the doors at curfew, has gone home.

i pull my phone out to call my parents to see if they're able to help me with my situation.
but when i turn around, i spot jungkook with his back leaning on his black mercedes benz car, which is still parked in front of the building.

what's he still doing here?

i walk back to him and ask him why he's still here.

"i had a feeling this would happen", he chuckles and i pull my phone out to look for nearby saunas to stay at since my parents never answered my call.

"yeah i wasn't really thinking clearly today...i don't know why i forgot that i had a curfew at 11..." i sigh as i keep scrolling through naver.

"...but i'm searching for saunas to stay at now so i think i'll be fine", i continue and his next sentence leaves me stunned.

"you could stay at my place, if you want?"

i pause the scrolling on my phone and look up at him. my mind is completely blank and i have no clue what to say.

do i say yes?

after standing there for what feels like an eternity, my brain finally comes up with a reply.

"are you sure?", i ask and he shrugs.

"i don't think it would be very nice of me to leave you out here in the cold with no place to go", he says as he puts his hands in his jack pockets.

he's got a point. it would be a pretty douchy move of him to leave me here. and i can't contact jimin at the moment, considering our recent encounter was me indirectly rejecting him...

"that's true...", i nervously chuckle and turn my phone off before putting it in the right pocket of my jacket.

"...however, will it be okay with you though? i mean, i don't want to be a bother and crash at your place on the first date", i continue on.

he suddenly starts smirking, and it's only then that i realize what i've just said.

"first date, huh? i thought this was the second one", he says and takes two steps closer to where i am standing.

i roll my eyes and lightly hit his arm.

"shut up, you know what i mean", i say and he chuckles.

"you don't have to worry about being a bother or anything. it's completely fine with me, trust me", he gives me a warm smile as he lifts his hand up and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear, making me look up at him.

i start blushing after this gesture and immediately look down at my feet so he doesn't see how red my face is.

"are you cold?", he asks and i nod my head.

"a little bit, but i'll be okay-"

he shakes his head before taking his jacket off and placing it around my shoulders, which catches me off-guard. but it doesn't just stop there as he then rubs my arms to keep me warm.

"you really don't have to do all this..", i chuckle and sniffle as my nose has gotten a bit stuffy because of the cold. after all, autumn has just arrived.
it's honestly not even that cold, but i guess i'm just nervous.

he just shakes his head and gives me a smile before opening the door to the passenger's seat for me, and leading me in with his hand on my lower back.

after he closes the door for me, i eye him as he walks around the car and gets in the driver's seat.

it's when he starts driving that i realize what i've just gotten myself into..

three a.m. | jeon jungkookWhere stories live. Discover now