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hana's pov

"thank you so much for driving me here", i say as i unbuckle my seatbelt and grabbing the bag full of soju bottles in the backseat.

"honestly i just used you to get to know where jungkook lives", hoseok grins and i lightly hit him in the arm.

earlier this morning i messaged hobi asking if he could go to the store to buy some soju for me because i was too lazy to do it myself.

i also ordered some fried chicken to jungkook's address which will arrive pretty soon.

jungkook's been the one paying for our meals these past few weeks, so i decided this time i'd not come empty handed.

"for your information, we're only parked in front of the building, so you don't even know what floor he lives on", i say rolling my eyes.

"yeah whatever. now go, i've got places to be", hoseok says and gestures with his hand for me to get out.

i give him a side hug before opening the door and climbing out.

"bye hoseok, drive safe!", i say peaking through the gap between the car and the door.

"bye! have fun and don't forget to use protec–"

i slam the car door shut before he could finish his sentence, and run towards the entrance of the building.

pfft, protection my ass.

i enter the code on the little keypad and hurriedly go to the elevator when the doors unlock.

as i stand in the elevator, the familiar feeling of butterflies in my stomach rushes in.

why do i always get the nerves as soon as i'm in the elevator?

it's been like this ever since we started hanging out and it's infuriating. the emotions i feel when i'm with him are inexplainable because yes, i understand he's an idol and i'm probably still starstruck, but it's not that.

sometimes it feels like i've known him much longer, even though we've only been in contact for two to three months.

the elevator makes a 'ding' sound and the doors slide open. i step out of the elevator and when i've arrived in front of his door, i press on the little doorbell.

i can hear his footsteps approaching, and i hurriedly fix my hair before he opens the door.

"hey, you're right on time", he smiles before embracing me. 

"hi", i say as i hug him back with my right arm.

when jungkook lets go of me, he eyes the bag in my left hand.

"what's that?", he asks pointing at the bag.

"oh, i brought some soju", i chuckle and he grabs the bag out of my hand and i take my jacket and shoes off. 

"why'd you bring so much?", he asks as we head towards the kitchen to put the drinks in the fridge to cool them off.

"i thought we could have a small party to celebrate your new song. i also ordered some fried chicken which will be here pretty soon", i say and he smiles while throwing the bag away that the soju bottles were in.

"you know, a party usually has more than two people in it", jungkook laughs and i hit his arm lightly.

"man, just be thankful i actually brought something for the first time. i always come here empty-handed", i pout looking up at him.

three a.m. | jeon jungkookWhere stories live. Discover now