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hana's pov

"hey love, have you finished work yet?", jungkook asks through the phone.

"yeah, i'm on my way to the elevator now", i answer as i hurriedly walk down the hall of my work office.

"alright, see you soon love~", he says sweetly before hanging up.

i finally get to the elevator, and since i worked pretty late today, there aren't that many using it right now.

it's been almost 5 years since me and jungkook started dating, and he's only gotten more and more famous all around the world.

he's released a total of three full albums, and even gone on tour.

after i graduated college i ended up working for a fashion company, so i've traveled quite a lot as well.

the first two years went well, but when he started touring it got pretty rough since he would be gone for so long. we ended up fighting a lot because of it, but there was nothing that a little make up sex could not fix. and trust me, there was a lot of make up sex.

he rarely contacts his mom now, especially after the release of that article.

she got away with it unfortunately thanks to her being rich, but his dad ended up taking over their company completely, and he filed a divorce with her.

the elevator makes a 'ding' sound and the doors slide open. i speed walk towards the exit, and smile as i spot a familiar looking car parked right outside.

i shudder as i feel the cold breeze hit me the second i walk out of the building.

his face lights up the moment he sees me walking towards the car, and he quickly gets out of his seat to open the door for me.

"hey beautiful", he smiles before kissing me on the lips and tightly wrapping his arms around me.

i still get butterflies when he does these small gestures for me. he always gives me compliments and reassures me, and every time he does, i just fall for him even more.

he opens the door for me and i thank him before stepping into the car.

"so how was work?", he asks as i put my seatbelt on.

"it was alright, just kinda busy because of the holidays getting closer", i answer looking out the window, admiring the christmas lights decorated on the streets.

"how about you? did everything go well at the studio?", i ask turning my head to look at jungkook who's focusing on the road.

"yeah we finally finished recording a song we've been working on these past few days", he smiles, and i nod.

after a few minutes, i realize he's not taking the usual road towards his apartment.

"hey jungkook, are we taking a detour or something?", i ask and he shakes his head.

"no, i just have something to show you real quick", he says, and i look at him suspiciously.

three a.m. | jeon jungkookWhere stories live. Discover now