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jungkook's new song was released today, and he's finally home after a hectic schedule of interviews and meetings.

he lies down on the couch and contemplates whether he should message hana or not.

"i wonder what she's up to right now", jungkook says out loud before deciding to text her.

he sits up straight and reaches for his phone on the coffee table, but just as he grabs it, the screen lights up with an imessage notification.

jungkook smiles to himself thinking it's hana, but it quickly turns into a frown when he sees that it's a message from his mom telling him to call her as soon as possible.

him and mrs. jeon don't really have the best relationship as she's constantly abroad for work.

she never has time for jungkook, and unfortunately for him, he's gotten used to it.

he taps on the call button, and a few seconds later she answers.

"hello mom", he says expecting her to greet him back, but instead she goes straight to the point.

"i know what you've been up to, young man", she says with an angry tone in her voice.

"mom, what are you talking about?", he asks with furrowed brows.

"i know about the girl, and i can't tell you how furious i am!", she shouts.

"what girl?", he asks, still confused about what his mom is talking about.

"kim hana", mrs. jeon says, and his heart drops.

"how did you know?", jungkook asks furiously.

"that's not important right now. i called to tell you to stop seeing that girl and if you don't, there will be serious consequences", she says, and he rolls his eyes after realising what his mother has been doing.

"you had your little minions follow me, didn't you? gosh, you're just unbelievable", he scoffs.

"i will do everything in my power to stop you from ever seeing that girl again. i've done it before, you don't think i can do it again? cause i will", she snickers, and jungkook shouts in anger.

"god, for the hundredth time, it wasn't their fault! they were kind enough to pick me up after my soccer match when my own MOTHER didn't even show up!", he angrily shouts, recalling the memory he had buried deep in his brain.

"....and what happened after that wasn't their fault. the truck hit us, not the opposite", jungkook continues on, feeling a tear fall down his cheek.

his mom goes silent after hearing how hurt her son is, but she doesn't surrender.

"i don't care who hit who. you were in the car, and if they hadn't given you a ride, you would've never been in that accident. now stop acting like a fool and just do as you're told."

jungkook feels another tear roll down his cheek.

he knows what his mom is capable of, and he doesn't want the same thing to happen again.

but he knows better now. he knows he was a coward back then for not standing up for himself, and he's not gonna let her control his life the same way she did before.

"no. i'm not gonna let you take her away from me again. i'm gonna keep seeing her whether you like it or not", jungkook sternly states, and his mom laughs at his remark.

"fine, keep seeing her. but you'll regret not listening to me", she says.

"i'm not scared of you", jungkook says, and she chuckles.

"well, you should be. anyways, i'm hanging up now", she says, and jungkook doesn't reply.

"oh and by the way, good luck making her stay when her little brain eventually remembers everything.", she smirks and ends the call.

jungkook lets out a frustrated sigh and throws his phone across the room.

"fuck!", he shouts in anger.

if hana remembers before he tells her everything himself, he's screwed.

he grabs his phone and messages hana asking her if she's free tomorrow.

she's quick to reply, and she says she's free.

jungkook replies with a thumbs up emoji and turns his phone off before laying down on the couch.

he's made up his mind now.

he's gonna do what he should've done the second he met her again.

he's telling her the truth tomorrow.

three a.m. | jeon jungkookWhere stories live. Discover now