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hana's pov

it's currently 2:07pm and jungkook's gonna be here in an hour.

fuck, i have absolutely nothing to wear.

i've been standing in front of my wardrobe for god knows how long, and i still haven't found an outfit to wear. i take a look at myself in the mirror and wipe away the mascara that got smudged under my right eye.

i end up choosing a tight white long-sleeved shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants. the outfit is simple and comfy, but considering we're just gonna eat and most likely watch a movie then i'm perfectly dressed for the occasion.

and the shirt makes my boobs look good.

after fixing my hair and zoning out on my couch, i look at the time on my phone and start to internally scream.


i stand up and take one last look at myself in the mirror. i sigh as i look at my dark circles that i failed to cover up with concealer. i didn't get much sleep because i couldn't stop thinking about how i'm gonna explain to jungkook the reason why i reacted the way i did after we kissed.

how do i tell him that a memory of me and my ex being in the same situation popped up in my mind, without sounding like i'm still not over him? because trust me, i am one hundred percent over jaehyun. but the image of him and i kissing just kind of caught me off guard.

my phone vibrates and a notification from jungkook pops up saying he's outside. i send him a quick "i'm omw" message before quickly putting my jacket and shoes on, and then running down the stairs since the dorm's elevator recently broke down.

the moment i walk out of the building, i spot a familiar black mercedes benz car parked in front of the café on the other side of the road. i cross the road when there are no cars around, and as i get closer i see a familiar looking figure leaning against the car with his arms crossed.

he looks at my direction and i give him a quick awkward wave with a small smile plastered on my face. he waves back and starts walking towards me, and even with a mask on, i can still see his cute eye smile.

as we get closer to each other, i part my lips to say hello to him, but instead i'm interrupted by his warm embrace.

"hi", i say in a soft tone as i wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him in even closer.

"hey", he says back before pulling away.

"how are you?", i ask as we start walking towards the car.

"i'm alright, just a little tired. and you?", he opens the door for me and i thank him before answering his question.

"i'm good, just a little tired too", i chuckle and he smiles with his eyes before closing the door and going around the car to get in as well.

"so what would you like to eat later?", jungkook asks after taking his mask off and putting his seatbelt on.

"i don't really know...what about you?", i ask as i also put my seatbelt on.

"i'm fine with anything", he replies looking at me, but i avoid eye contact by pulling my phone up to search for food.

"hmmm...how about fried chicken and beer?", i say after naver suggests a chicken place nearby with pretty good reviews.

"sounds good. but beer huh? i didn't think you'd be the type to like it", he says as he starts the engine.

"to be honest, i don't really like beer. but chicken and beer just go so well together", i shrug and he nods in agreement.

three a.m. | jeon jungkookWhere stories live. Discover now