where did she go?

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where did she go?

the woman who was so fearless and brave?

who roamed the streets at night, searching for adventure

a mix of fear and excitement coarsing through her veins

wherever she went

she would inspire others with her mentality

fearing nothing and no one, bravery and courage was her mindset

beautiful in mind and soul

but where is she now?

she is lost in the cold, shivering with loneliness

it didn't matter that she was a brave woman

fearless and careless in nature

what mattered was that she was a woman

and just that. a woman

it didn't matter that she was fearless and brave

because everyone always assumed she would be okay on her own

she reaped courage from concrete

blossomed roses from brittle stone

found happiness from the darkest of nights

and helped those in need

but yet...

she was just a woman.

and where did she go?

she walks alone, weakened in sadness and despair

hiding it, though no one really cares

her footsteps are heavy, fortified with bleak, gruesome memories

so that she forever remembers

that a brave woman will not be remembered as a brave soul

just a woman

I feel like this poem doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but in a way it made me feel slightly better about my situation. I am currently in a questionable relationship, and healing from trauma that occurred last August and continued through November. My significant other validates my emotions, but then sometimes doesn't. He frequently makes me question myself, and whether or not my most basic emotions are truly valid. He's...manipulative and cruel. I want to leave, but I can't bring myself to do it. But I feel like it's the right choice.

And he often uses the phrase "It's because you're a woman, you react to emotionally to things." He says it jokingly, but then sometimes uses that phrase in fights.

I feel weakened and brittle in a situation like this. I haven't told anyone, except for family and a close friend. I want to just leave and never return. I don't want this person to be the father of my child. He always neglects me in my time of need. And I no longer want a relationship like this. It feels so cold and bleak here...I just want a place to feel safe to talk about my emotions without feeling suppressed. I hate feeling suppressed.

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