stepping stone

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Is this what love is like?
Nervous energy flitting about
In my stomach and my head
Anxious about the things he's said

Is this what love is like?
To remember not to say the wrong thing
To be prim and proper for him
Worrying that I'll never be enough

Is this what love is like?
Taking blatant sarcasm daily
Over things that don't matter
Disrespect veiled in the form of a joke

Is this what love is like?
A blank stare, forged by boredom
Nothingness in his eyes when he sees me
There is no light like there once was

Is this what love is like?
Acting incredulous when I don't understand something
Impatiently bored, unresponsive to conversation

Is this what love is like?
Quick-witted insults out of the blue
"You have no standards,"
But maybe I do.

Is this what love is like?
Wondering why he can be so mean
But be so nice to a stranger on the street
Or to all of his friends and family, except for me.

Is this what love is like?
When he regards it as a chore
He stares at his phone, conversation is dead.
I may as well be a stepping stone for his dream girl, nothing more.

Is this what love is like?
Emotionally cheated and abused
I'm not his type, and I know that very clear,
For I'm the stepping stone,
Nothing more.

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